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Maybe we'll see the grandkids ..after Christmas...?

lovin-life's picture

Well oldest SD, her husband and the 2 grandkids....the 8 month old we've never seen....arrived in our city 2 days ago...
.......they're only a 10 minute drive away.

We've heard phone visit...nothing..but they have visited with everyone else.....and have had to practically drive past our house to get there.

Hubby is the 'only' grandfather.......and is who the 2 1/2 year old wanted to call..out of everyone and brag about his 'first poop in the big toilet'

Trying not to let oldest SD ruin our playing these games....
(I'm sure her mother is very proud of her...'young grasshopper' learned well....)

Anyway......I think we're still scheduled for them to come over for supper on Boxing Day...but we're waiting for her to cancel. I hope not. I'm so excited to see the kids!!! But I also dread dealing with her....and her snottiness....

Hopefully she won't be too much of a B*$%h...
We have to deal with her AND her mother next Sunday at the Christening.....too arrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg...

Anyway..we'll make the best of it... Smile

Hey everyone...
Enjoy the season and the famliy & friends that make you smile! Smile


lovin-life's picture

I was right she did cancel......we found out through youngest SD this afternoon..that her sister will not be darkening our doorstep over the holidays.....

But her husband still plans on taking the kids here to open their presents...on boxing day. I would imagine he is on a short leash and wont' be 'allowed' to stay long. I guess we'll just give oldests' gifts to her husband and he can take them to her....I know where I like her to put em! ha ha

Hubby & I discussed the Christening next week.....he says he will still go for the sake of the baby...but he won't be attending the 'after-party' with his charming x and snotty adopted daughter.

Candice's picture

It seems so rude that she can't even let her own father see her children, why grace her life with gifts? I would give those babies their gifts, and the father for bringing them over, but if she wants to opt out on seeing her own father, I wouldn't send her gifts with her dh. That is terrible how she is behaving.

My heart is out to you both.


lovin-life's picture

That's what I feel like doing...
But...Part of what has kept us going through all these years of bullshit is that we've always tried to take the higher road.
And when we're older and greyer hopefully we can look back on things and have no regrets about 'our role' in trying to make this work for

But ...(again) I had a couple things that I hadn't wrapped yet for her stocking...and I'm keeping them now!!!!

This all refresh your memory..because oldest was giving youngest a hard time over everything to do with her wedding...and I think in the back of hubby's acceptance that I am 'the person who answers the phone at 'her Dad's house' was bothering him...

She is carrying on like this because of this e-mail.....
I don't see what's so horrible about it....
She did not treat her sister like shit when her sister told her the same a result of this e-mail...she just apologised to her.
She did not get snotty and say "we'll see" when her mother got pissy over her 1 shower idea and is now insisting that there be two...
It's only him that she treats so badly...(her husband keeps his balls in her purse though...)

Do you guys think this email was so terrible..? That she refuses to visit him after coming from several provinces away.....

I think it's because he "wants to talk" as stated in the she must punish him by "not talking to him".....

This comes after she sent her "we'll See" response when we told her that her sister wanted two showers...
She had a hissy fit...talked her sister into having one because that is what the oldest was like she was pleased with herself and had to make sure we knew she 'won' especially came across that way, after her 'we'll see after I talk to sis'..comment

She had asked if he thought everyone would be able to get the shower..meaning me and her here is his reply.

"Hi There

I can not respond to all of your email cause it is christmas and I will try to be nice. The only question that I have a problem with is the one where you ask if I think everyone will be able to get along?? You should know better that to ask me that. You need to point the finger where it belongs. If my memory serves me correctly at *grandson's* christening party there was only one person that had to be spoken about their behaviour so you need to point your finger in that direction. Your mother is to blame for all this commotion in this family not *Lovin-life*. If your question is implying that *Lovin-life* might be a problem my answer is that *Lovin-life* has never caused any problem within our family and has shown nothing but respect toward you, *your husband*, and the boys. I think that you, me, and *youngest step-daughter* should get together and try to get to the bottom of what is really bothering us. We told *youngest step-daughter* that whatever she wants for her wedding day is ok with us so I don't believe she has to say or do anything that will make us happy. If she wants one shower thats ok, if she wants me to wear a sky blue tux with pink poke a dots I will suck it up and wear it. She knows that. The problems with her crying herself to sleep at night doesn't lie with us. It is supposed to be HER DAY so I think we should all do whatever she wants to make that happen. "

What is sooooooooooo bad in all that..that justifies her being such a bitch!!??

lovin-life's picture

Well, we heard nothing from them for 4 days...then Christmas Day she called to wish her father a Merry Christmas. Hubby asked if they were coming over..she said. "No..we're on our way to Mom's" He said "OK.." ..they hung up. All the kids presents were under the tree waiting for them. I was hoping she would smarten up...but word was she had no intentions of seeing us. He says to me as he hung up the phone..."There NO WAY I'm going to "suck her ass" or BEG to SEE my OWN GRANDKIDS!...If she doesn't want to come over...fine by me"

Next thing ya know the phone's her again..they turned the car around and came here. (Again..I assume her husband made her.)

The baby is beautiful!!! He has the blue-ist eyes and the longest, thickish eyelashes......and always smiling! The 2 yr old was a little cranky at first he just woke up...but then he warmed right up. I was on the floor with him..getting his car out of the box and showing him how to use the buttons to make it go...He took that car with him everywhere he visited!!

They came back on Boxing Day for supper..the 2 year old was giving me & granddad kisses & hugs everytime he drove his car past us.....but SD was a little snotty to her Dad and told me to put the baby down on the floor when I was holding him...right off the bat. (I guess that's what a visit with her mother in the meantime does...)

The 2 1/2 year old is...of course..fascinated with fire-trucks and guess whose on duty she'll bring him by to see his granddad and sit in the fire-truck..

Oldest SD & hubby's relationship as father & daughter will never be the same........

All he can say for the last week is "SHE'S JUST LIKE HER MOTHER!!" over & over.......

Oh .... oldest was going out with her husbands sisters...that evening and kept trying to talk youngest SD to go with her. But youngest wanted to spend the evening with US instead!!! SO I thought that was pretty cool.....since she can see us anytime she wants....

We are a family..whether oldest wants to join the rest of us or not!! Smile

I'll have to fill you in on how the Christening goes on Sunday...I'm sure Oldest SD will crank up the snottiness factor in her mothers presence....and of course there's the queen bitch herself to deal with. Smile

lovin-life's picture

Your keeping me laughing today...reading Caitlin's thread! We're all good here...still had a fantastic Christmas..(yours went well, I read! VG!!) My sense of humour is very much intact....and the conversations & comments I have in my head,...(that I'm not allowed to say out loud).. along with things I've read on this site...will absolutly keep my smiling, if not chuckling..through whatever next week throws at me.. lol

I just keep thinking Dr. Evil & Mini Me.....everytime I think of oldest SD & her mother....& I just smirk to myself. haha Smile