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Sperm Donor *Ranting and raving with strong language*

LemonGrassLove's picture

I am so pissed off by this! I have access to Moby's facebook, usually she posts crap like 'Oh, i love my kids.' And 'I'm such a great mom.' And just general stupid shit like that. Today, she posted 'well my bubba is off to his sperm doners house till tomarro now time to relaxe wit my babygirl cant wait to c daddy tomarro make my heat achs'. :jawdrop: My SO's a sperm doNOR, bitch? A sperm donor fights for custody of his kid? A sperm donor hires the best god damn lawyer in the fucking city to get custody of his kid from your fucked up life? A sperm donor actually does what needs to be done to take care of his kid while you sit on your ass being a failed Welfare Queen? If he's a sperm donor then all you are is a fucking breeder. Which, we all fucking knew that fact! This is the same stupid bitch that sends her kid to us hungry and without a nap EVERY FUCKING TIME! This is the same bitch that did meth in front of her child! This is the same bitch that couldn't be bothered to get her GED even though she's gone to back to school about 7 FUCKING TIMES! This is the same bitch that has moved 14 FUCKING TIMES in the last 3 YEARS. This is the same stupid bitch that committed three felony crimes while holding her kid and it was all caught on video! This is the same stupid bitch that lied to the court and then TOLD OUR FUCKING LAWYER THAT SHE LIED! And yet, this stupid fat bitch cow thinks that she's fucking mother of the year and SO's a fucking sperm donor!

I hope the court system fucking destroys you when we finally fucking get there! And after we get custody and you're slapped with child support we're going to move so fucking far away that he'll never see your stupid, fat ass.


FeuilleMorte's picture

"well my bubba is off to his sperm doners house till tomarro now time to relaxe wit my babygirl cant wait to c daddy tomarro make my heat achs'."

Christ on a cracker.

On the bright side, you can take comfort in the fact that she is not only irredeemably ignorant, she is willing to demonstrate that. In print.

knucklehead's picture

Stay off of her FB. No good can come of it. Sometimes, ignorance, especially when dealing with crazy, is bliss.

bi's picture

OMG. to think that someone who talks/writes like that is a parent is truly frightening. :O

FeuilleMorte's picture

ImaSmom, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Don't look at FBs that will make you crazy! It's not hard, really, it's not. People go out of their way to get offended, and then they're all, you know, offended.

Don't Look At It. And if you feel you must to keep informed, then you have to create yourself a little shield, where everything that is said or shown just doesn't bother you. If you can't do that? Don't Look At It.

LemonGrassLove's picture

The only reason I have it is because she's not very bright and will post damning things that will help us in court. Like when she let him stay up until 3 am and he ended up smashing his fingers in a dresser. All those stupid posts about smoking pot and being a bad parent is just another nail in the custody battle coffin.

FeuilleMorte's picture

Well said, ImaSmom. While the printouts might help, they are unlikely to be the swaying argument in anything, for exactly the reasons you cite.

LemonGrassLove's picture

Maybe I was looking at her Facebook to get upset, I'll admit it's very possible. But that still doesn't change how wildly inappropriate it is to say that on a site like Facebook. It's mostly the fact that she thinks that way and makes it very public. SO's not a sperm donor, she's just a crazy breeder that's mad that we won't roll over and give her all our money.

FeuilleMorte's picture

of course it's wildly inappropriate! YES YES YES! BUT...when you let it upset you? She wins.

Think of it that way. Keep copies, and laugh. That's the best revenge.

Anon2009's picture

I don't think you should look at her fb. That's DH's job, so he can help his kids and print off any photos, wall posts, etc. that indicate the kids may be in a bad situation, and use that as proof that BM shouldn't have the kids. He should check with his attorney to see if that'd be permissible in court, but I have heard of cases where it has been. These are things HE should be doing. They are his kids, and BM is his ex. You looking at her fb just gives her what she wants- to pi$$ you off.

Rags's picture

Anything she posts publically can be used in court to show her complete and total lack of character.... subject to acceptance by the Judge of course.

Nail her ass to the wall and have fun doing it. Everything she posts make sure to save an electronic copy for future reference. When it is time to go to court print and organize the material to tell the most damning story possible about her toothless moron toxic and vitriolic crap to the judge.

Whatever you do never gain a gram of sympathy for her. Far too many people in extended battles with a blended family oppostion seem to let down their guard and feel sorry for the idiot on the other side of the fence. Bad idea IMHO. Invariably when these dipshits are given an inch they try to take a light year.

This is not a game. Particularly when the other side is vitriolic in their approach. Stick with teh facts and use them to bare their idiot asses as publically and damningly as possible every chance they give.

If you happen to have a reasonable blended family counterpart then be reasonable when dealing with them.... until they get stupid them nail them with the facts. Even when they are reasonable keep your records of their behavior current just in case you need to dust off hte files and beat them about the head and shoulders with them in court.

All IMHO of course.

LemonGrassLove's picture

She's not reasonable. She threw a fit for 2 months about socks... SOCKS! Because her lazy ass couldn't be bothered to buy SS more socks with her welfare money.