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Just wanted to vent...

katielee's picture

I haven't posted on here in a long time. I am trying hard to keep a good attitude about SD11 (turning 12 very soon) but sometimes things just get to me.

A few nights ago she texted DH. She is very excited because she is going on a trip with us to visit MY family 800 miles away. She was asking him when we're leaving, what she should take, etc., etc., etc. Then she says, "Daddy, I love you more than anything in the world." And he replies (he thinks I can't see his texts from where I'm sitting): "I love you more than anything in the universe."

On and on this love fest goes... I love you a zillions times more than.... blah, blah, blah.

To be honest, it hurt my feelings and now I am pissy. I am also pissy because we are going to see MY family and I can't even be excited about it because SHE is coming with us. The "other woman" in the back seat, never shutting up, running her mouth, hearing her ugly voice for twelve long hours.

Not asking for any advice. Just wanted to vent.


moz15's picture

My husband is the same way with his kids. He tells me he loves me once every other month. He calls me "bro" or "dude." Makes me feel soooooooooo special.

Now, I tell me kids I love them a lot so I get wanting to tell your kids but HELLO, I'm sitting here feeling like the "dude" of the family. He has made the whole I love you thing so uncomfortable for me that I have no desire to gush over him anymore or tell him I love him.

Why is it this way??

katielee's picture

DH and I have always enjoyed the drive there as much as the visit itself. I'm just sad that part of the trip will be ruined.

However, we are going to MY family's house. They won't put up with SD11's bullsh*t.

PeanutandSons's picture

Get sd a DVD player with headphone......or a videogame with headphones....or an iPod with headphones.

Let her zone out in her own world quietly and enjoy your drive.

Bojangles's picture

Cheer up, his soppy exchanges with his daughter don't detract from his love for you one iota. I exchange love you more than the universe comments with my children many times a day and it doesn't reduce the amount of love for DH. Love isn't a pie with finite portions.

It's nice that SD is so excited about visiting your family, and you'll probably feel much more comfortable around her on home turf. Buy her entertainments for the journey and put your headphones on or go to sleep if she gets annoying.

luchay's picture

Smile Was wondering where you had gotten to!

Was really hoping that things were going so well for you that you had no need of us anymore....

Take heart, as Bojangles says he has more than enough love to go around, and those sayings - they don't MEAN anything - just because it said he loves her more than anything in the universe - he doesn't really MEAN it. He loves you both more than the universe but differently.

I agree with the others, get HER some entertainment for the trip - brownie points to you for being so thoughtful and thinking of her.... and the secret real reason? Hopefully peace and quiet for you and DH to enjoy the drive.

Have a great trip anyway, don't let her get you down.