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I'm going home

katielee's picture

DH and I recently decided to move several states away, back to where my family is from. When we first discussed this, he said he would be okay with just seeing SD13 during the summer months. We planned to move in the spring.

Last night he mentions in passing that SD13 was going with us full time when we move so she could go to a new school and get a new start. Obviously he's been talking to her about it and *they* decided she should go.

I kinda blew a gasket. The last I heard, SD was staying here with her BM for the school year and would spend summers with us. So what the hell changed???

Oh... well, he found out that SD WANTS to go.

WTF kind of answer is that??? SERIOUSLY?!? Princess WANTS to go so OMG somebody grab the red carpet and roll it out QUICK! We gotta make Princess welcome in Katie's family and in Katie's hometown.

LOLOLOL... like that's ever gonna happen.

I am over it, y'all. I informed DH this morning that I was moving back home this fall. He is welcome to come or he is welcome to sit his ass here with the little bitch. But she is NOT welcome to live full time in my home anymore.

He is pretty freaked out, I think... pulling out all the stops... "I love you, baby, blah, blah, blah..." I think he's pretty confident he'll be able to charm me out of this but he's wrong.

Since he allowed SD13 to move in here near the beginning of the year, my health has taken a turn for the worse. I am having cardiac issues and my fibromyalgia is worse than it's been in years. I on an addictive sedative for the first time in my life ever and my mama would be seriously unhappy at the amount of alcohol I have consumed. I am achy and crying and depressed most of the time (believe it or not, I used to be a cheerful person)and I am at the END of my rope.

I have thought about this a lot and I have realized that I am EMOTIONALLY HOMELESS. Home is more than just a place to keep your stuff. You have to be able to keep your heart there, as well. You should be able to relax at home, not worry about judgement or being compared to somebody's birth mother, to be able to say what you think without fear of it being spied on and reported. You should have peace in your home. Unfortunately, I have no home.

So I've started packing today.

I'm going home.


Justme54's picture

Hello! She has a mother. We do not always get what we want in life as adults and children. Who is he married to...his daughter or his wife? This is the reason most children from divorced families grow up as entitled brats. Then going on to age as old as mid 30's, they still think daddy owes them becasue mommy and daddy got divorced. Your comment makes me what to THROW UP. Her DH did not discuss this with his wife. DEAL BREAKER. This issue goes far pass the fact that her DH has a daughter.

katielee's picture

I told my DH exactly this last night. Then after spending almost all night thinking I was going to have a heart attack and die, I told him this morning I am moving. He has texted me all day long asking how I'm doing. I'm still feeling icky and I'm STILL MOVING.

zerostepdrama's picture

Any of the girl skids living with me is a deal breaker. For all the exact reasons that you mentioned Katie.


HadEnoughx5's picture

Good for you! Nothing irks me more than when DH goes against something that we have already agreed upon because the SKIDS want something. Mine are not major decision's like yours…yet.

My health has changed a lot since being a SM. I've gained weight, high blood pressure, depressed and extremely on the defense on protecting my home, my marriage. I've had to disengage and I have mounds of resentment towards DH, BM and skids.

I'm proud of you that you have stood your ground and are taking care of yourself!

zerostepdrama's picture

Exactly... and isnt this what most of these DH's do who? Let the BM raise the skids and then once they hook SM THEN they want custody of their kids.

katielee's picture

Yes, that's correct. And that's exactly what has happened. BM created the most attention-seeking drama queen with whom I've ever had the displeasure of making contact, then she shipped her off to live here. Yay me :sick:

zerostepdrama's picture

I will add... I am all about a father being involved in his kid's life. Its obviously important.

However what are the reasons for the SD to want to live with her dad? Is it because it will be a better life? Is there trouble at BM's?

DH tried to pull the crap- well YSD WANTS to live with me....

Um okay... that is fine and dandy we all have WANTS. But who is going to be doing the cooking, cleaning, shopping for YSD while you are out hanging with your buddies, working side jobs, keeping distracted. It will be ME who is dealing with YSD and ME the most affected, all because of other's WANTS.

I seen how my DH "parented" his kids. I knew how it would go if any of the skids lived with us.

I would be the one that was left to actually parent, without really parenting (because ya know as a SM you cant really parent the skid), my whole life would change with YSD moving into our home and nothing would really change for DH.

I knew for a fact that he wouldnt step up with cooking and cleaning and shopping and parenting and spending more time at home where his daughter would now be living.

So when DH brought that crap to me that YSD now wants to live with her daaaaaddddyyyy because she WANTS to, I shut that shit down and gave him an ultimatium. ME or HER. Who do you want to live with?

If you want to live with her, I won't hold it against you at all and I would understand.

I did tell DH if he showed me he was ready to parent her and have her come live with us then I would reconsider, but where we are at no- HELL NAH!

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh yeah when we were dating DH would say that his girls couldnt live with him because he couldnt handle them, he was never home, etc etc.

Then he happened to mention in passing when we were dating "oh if we ever get a house the girls would want to come live with us."

Um what happened to you cant handle the girls, you are never home?

If they werent living with you BEFORE me, they arent going to live with us now.

zerostepdrama's picture

That's another thing I told DH.

First time I tell YSD NO and she runs to BM (which she will) and then BM tries to call/text/talk to me about it (which she will) then its going to be on.

YSD living with us brings more BM drama. Our house is a BM drama free zone.

ETA: DH agreed to this... the less he has to deal with BM the better.

katielee's picture

Well, that's the thing... SD had decided she'd rather go back to her mother's house to live because she finally got it through her thick skull that she couldn't be the woman of the house here and she couldn't get Daddyyyy to take her side (at least openly.)

So basically it's all about what is the best deal for SD. I think she imagines she'll be entertained moving to a new state... a new school filled with new people to offend and bully, a new family she expects will continue to put up with her attention seeking crap so as not to hurt my new DH's feelings...

Even if she were allowed to go, she would be in for a rude awakening. Where I come from (the heart of redneck country) entitled attention-whores get served a big can of whoop-ass right real quick. And my own family ain't much inclined to cater to anybody whose done messed with one of their own. Loyalty runs deep in Appalachian clan families and my family is no exception.

So in reality I'm doing her a favor by leaving her here.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Sounds like you'd be doing her more of a favor if you did bring her. She needs some Appalachian whoopass. She might have a chance at becoming a normal person after that.

Sorry your DH pulled this sleight of hand on you. Ugly thing to go through.

stephag's picture

^ this and there is something to this step-induced sickness. I have had health issues since stephood. Someone needs to look into this.

zerostepdrama's picture

OMG because I have this.

Digusted that DH slept with BM and got her pregnant. Then married her. Then got her pregnant 3 more times. Even though after OSD he knew BM was crazy.

Disgusted that BM cant work 40 hrs a week, works the system and anyone else she can so she doesnt have to work work.

Disgusted when I have to look at the way the girl skids dress, act and behave.

Disgusted that DH just smiles and nods and thinks he did a good job at parenting.

new to this's picture

I have thought about this a lot and I have realized that I am EMOTIONALLY HOMELESS. Home is more than just a place to keep your stuff. You have to be able to keep your heart there, as well. You should be able to relax at home, not worry about judgement or being compared to somebody's birth mother, to be able to say what you think without fear of it being spied on and reported. You should have peace in your home. Unfortunately, I have no home.

Oh man I could have written this!! You took the words right out of my mouth!! I'm in tears just reading this, I know exactly how you feel!! I started going to a counselor last week. I am at my wits end. I cry everyday on the way home because I don't want to go home. I mean really what kind of life is that? I am miserable. We live in a house that was my DH fathers house, I used to think that was the problem with it not feeling like home but really it's not that, it's the fact that SD16 moved in with us 3 months after we got married. I don't think it would really matter what house we lived in, it's HER that is the problem. She is a spoiled brat who thinks she should be the woman of the house. Alot of this is her fathers fault, and alot of it is she is just like her mother, hense why she can't live with her mother cause they are just alike!! I wish you the best of luck. I know how important that having that "home" is and I hope you get the peace you deserve.

onstrike's picture

Katie, I feel so bad for your situation and suffering.Your dh should NOT have made this plan with you only to screw with it and involve sd. The really shitty part is that if your dh didn't allow sd to be his miniwife,you would probably like her and you might all be able to peacefully coexist. What the hell is your dh thinking!???

She_Sparkles's picture

Katie,the health issues aren't going to get better until you get rid of this massive ball of stress you're carrying around.Trust me on this.I speak from experience.
Do whatever you have to do in order to get to a calm place that is emotionally safe. Once you do that I bet your issues all but disappear...they'll be greatly decreased at the very minimum.

I developed endometriosis,blood pressure issues,panic attacks,chronic fatigue,and major digestive malfunctions while being married to my ex and putting up with the parade of drama.

It came to a head when I had to get a hysterectomy in my 20's bc my high stress situation kept exacerbating my endometriosis.

Once I left and made my own sanctuary EVERY THING changed. I had people coming up to me telling me I looked 10 years younger.I felt 10 years younger too. Health issues were a thing of the past.

Good luck!!

She_Sparkles's picture

I wish the diet change had made mine go away.It just got worse and worse with each added stress with exH,BM,and SD.Then throw his loopy ass mother into the mix and my health didn't stand a chance.

She_Sparkles's picture

I actually didn't stay married.I left shortly after my hysterectomy. I'm married to a childfree by choice man now;)

She_Sparkles's picture

It is really fantastic.I highly recommend it. Although,I do have my 12 year old boy but after much grief from him and his father I shipped him off to daddyland so he can see if the grass is greener. Life is pretty damn rosey to say the least LOL

Seriously,I wish the SM's feeling these health issues could take a mini break just to get a glimpse of what life COULD be like for them.Yeah,you'd miss the man for a while but you'd gain so much more that it might actually be worth getting away from him.

katielee's picture

I hadn't heard of Appalachia Waltz so I went to YouTube and looked it up. It is beautiful:) I am listening to it now and yes, it does make me melancholy for home<3

Disneyfan's picture

This would be a deal breaker for me not matter which hat I wore. As a SM I refuse to have a unruly kid living in my home, so the marriage would be over.

As a BM I refuse to only see my child during the summer, so the marriage would be over.

katielee's picture

Well, I guess I really freaked DH out (because he realized I was/am totally serious about leaving) so he has backed off of trying to take SD13 with us when we move (her BM would have fought him tooth and nail anyway) and has agreed to give up full custody until we leave in the spring. It makes sense financially to wait until spring, but if my health is at stake money isn't worth staying for and I think I finally was able to get him to understand that. He talked to BM last night. She wants full custody right away (and a hefty CS payment, I'm sure) but DH wants to do every other week until we leave. I am just letting them fight this one out.

I am at peace this morning (probably because SD is at BM's on Wednesday nights) and just waiting to see what happens. I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement.

I even understand and appreciate that some of you feel DH should stay here and "parent" SD but to this point his efforts from 5 minutes away have been ineffective. He obviously can't be an effective parent with BM in control (tried that for 12 years) and we can't make it work with SD living here (tried that, too.) Besides, who says he can't be an "effective" parent long distance? People do it all the time. What about military dads? Technology has made long distance relationships much easier nowadays than ever before.

So I guess we'll see what happens next and I'll keep y'all updated.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Awesome, KatieLee. Your DH smelled the coffee burning. At last. Glad for you he is making an effort to show you he doesn't want to lose you.