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"my mom is worse"

joanie's picture


the mister constantly tells the kid to chew with his mouth closed. he's a disgusting little monster.

I say "you need to chew with your mouth closed, how does your mother handle it when you forget?"

ye kid replies "she chews with her mouth open all the time. my mom is way worse than me at eating. it is kind of yucky I think. mate I should tell her to stop"

I started laughing, the mister said "well, don't tell her we said so!"

kid leaves tomorrow morning early. I did ok, I think.

oh, and his bedtime is right around ten right now. lol


Anywho78's picture

And THAT is why I don't want to know how BM handles these types of issues (therefore, she is not brought up)...really sad when your own kid gets grossed out by your eating habits though!

joanie's picture

bm here is not crazy or horrid. just dumb. I only bring her up rarely. I just couldn't resist though.

the kid is gone now. it was a bearable visit.