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Forgot to close out of blog and DH read it!

harleygirl's picture

So forgot to close out of my last session couple weeks ago and before DH went to bed saw it when turning off computer... :jawdrop: I was already asleep so I didn't know. The minute I woke up however I knew something was wrong. I asked him and he told me he read it. The last thing I wrote about was the feeling that I needed to run because of the drama from BM and SS. I said ok and we talked about what I wrote and how I feel. He said it was a huge wake up call to actually see it in writing out there for others to see. He said he heard me talk about my feelings but it never sunk in until that moment the impact his drama has on me.

Since that time he has been so different. His way of handling and dealing with BM and even SS has been like night and day. I have never loved and respected him more than I have since then. He has proven ten fold that I really am his number one priority (don't take that wrong ladies I'm not trying to shove ss out but feel that a strong family begins with an unbreakable husband wife bond first) and that he will not allow BM to harm me or our life.

We've also decided to commit to trying to concieve and really focus on all the wonderful blessings we have.


BSgoinon's picture

That is great. That situation could have gone SO differently. Glad it worked out so well for you!

hereiam's picture

It is great that he could see how much you are really hurting instead of being mad about what you wrote and that he is willing to do something about it. Sometimes they think we are just nagging because it's fun, not that we are really in turmoil.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture


It's not shoving a stepchild aside to expect for adults to be treated like adults, children to be treated like children, and exes to be treated like exes.

Too often spouses are treated like children, children are treated like mini adult spouses, and exes are treated like they are still spouses. This is the problem!

realitycheckmom's picture

Funny you should say that about exes being treated like spouses, FDH and I just had a huge blow out about that last night. I don't think he gets it still but he is slowly ruining our relationship with this crap. I don't know how to get it through to him.

herewegoagain's picture

Good for you. Honestly, I think many men think we just complain to complain and don't really pay attention. It's not until they see that we are seeking support elsewhere, that they get it.

JennyBunnyjj's picture

part of me wishes my husband would "stumble" upon my blog...but knowing my luck he's just think i was the bad guy and poor ss