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I could really use some new, and understanding friends.

Gigi82's picture

Hello all! I have posted my story on here before, but became paranoid about sharing too much and having the psycho BM find yet another way to stalk my personal life. So I deleted my blogs and having been lurking and occasionally responding to others posts over the past few months. I could really use some understanding friends, both SM’s and BM’s that can help me to get through these difficult times, and help educate me on how to deal with the drama in the best way for my SD7.

I understand that BM’s get a bad rap a lot of the time, but the one in my case is certifiably crazy! I’ll make this long story as short as I can: Boy meets girl while stationed overseas in military. They have a short fling and he returns to the states after finishing his service. She calls, tells him she’s pregnant and he moves to a foreign country at the urging of his strictly religious family to marry her. He intended on staying with her forever, so that he could be there for his child whom he loved more than life itself.

2 years down the road they are back in the states and she is only a few months away from leaving the military. They planned to move to his hometown because he had a much bigger support system, and raise their daughter there. He takes his 2 year old and moves by himself, at her urging, 600 miles away, to look for a house and a job. So he and his daughter are living away from his wife, all the while with him expecting her to come and join them. She calls him one day at work and tells him she has been date raped and that he needs to bring the baby and move back to her. When he arrives, she tells him that she wasn’t raped; she had a one night stand and was pregnant with another man’s baby. He was devastated!

The worst part hadn’t happened yet. She begged him to stay with her and raise the unborn baby as his own. He refused, after finding out that she had been with multiple men over the few months that he was raising his daughter, by himself, in another state. During their divorce they were granted a temporary 50/50 custody order. This is when the hell really began for him. She kept his daughter from him for months and when he would show up to pick up SD, she would call the police and say that he was harassing her. He would even show the police the temporary order, but she’s from a small town in Florida that is twisted judicially. They never did anything. She just kept calling the police until she had enough documentation to file for a restraining order. She claimed that she was in fear of her life and that he had threatened to kill her. I have been with this man for 4 years and he has never made me feel anything but safe! Her mom was a social worker, so DCF was all over him like he was some kind of criminal. 4 years later we are still fighting this evil bitch, with no end in sight. PAS is clearly evident in SD7 and even when confronted about it, BM doesn’t realize how much she is hurting her daughter. I’ll write more about that later.

To be continued……


MamaBecky's picture

I will be your ST friend. Smile

I am so sorry to hear what your DH has gone through and I commend him for continuing the fight through this very steep up hill battle. I have to believe that in the end he will be the victor!

Gigi82's picture

Thank you MamaBecky! It's not near over for my DH or his poor daughter. The mother is still making up lies about him, and putting the child in the middle of it all. Eventually she will either hate her father because of all of the lies, or hate her mother for doing this to her. Either way it would be awful, I don't want any child to have to struggle emotionally like that. Hopefully I can find guidance and patience on this website so that I can deal with it the best way possible!

Gigi82's picture

That seems to be the case in my husbands custody battle picklenickle, they definitely side with the mother over and over. She's been found in contempt and still just got a slap on the wrist. She breaks every rule in the parenting plan, and still nothing is done about it. I'm sorry you and your family have had to go through this but forums like this will hopefully help to raise the awareness like you said!

Anon2009's picture

I agree with this! PAS is horrible and it makes the lives of the kids who have to hear it unnecessarily. These kids often become resented by stepparents due to the behaviors that they display that are brought on by the PAS. Then, when they grow up, they often wind up seeing the inside of a jail cell. They are often plagued by failed romantic, familial and professional relationships. The studies are there. Kids need both parents in their lives, and the courts need to start judging cases on a case by case basis and think more about what's truly best for these kids as opposed to thinking about how they can best fill their own pockets.

My SDs are recovering from PAS. We fought for custody and got it because BM was alienating them from DH and was allowing them to be sexually abused. They receive intense counseling, and are doing so much better, but it's been a long, harrowing ordeal for them.

Gigi82's picture

Anon2009, you must be very strong to continue to fight until the kids were removed from custody. I'm glad that they are doing better, and I'm sure when they are older they will realize just how much you did fight to make sure that they receive the good childhood that they deserve! It's so hard to see my SD7 already treat her dad like crap, and repeat the terrible things that her mother has told her about him. From us not believing in God, to him supposedly murdering her puppy as a baby, the hits just keep on coming. And then BM goes to her lawyer and claims that we are the ones bashing her in front of the child! Good luck with your SD's recovery, and to you in helping them deal with the PAS.