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Just Wondering How others handle this...

Gabby77's picture

I know I've said this before but I have 2 SDs 7 & 2 and I'm pregnant. We won't have the baby for this christmas but I am just thinking ahead....

BM likes to keep the girls for christmas morning and my BF doesn't fight her because she doesn't have a lot of family so we get them for christmas eve and christmas day dinner. So BM does the big Santa morning w/ the skids. Now my BF insists that they have just as big of a morning at our house even though they are not there. So we do just as many presents from Santa as BM. ( To me this seemed extreme b/c the girls also have my bf's family bm's family AND my family goes nuts on them as well) We still have toys from last year that they never opened at ourhouse.

So this is my thing when the baby is old enough I'm afrauid my bf will want to make the baby wait to open presents with his sisters. ( Usually that is christmas night b/c we get them from their mom and take them directly to wherever we are going for Christmas dinner) How do other families handle this? I know I'm borrowing trouble but really I'm just curious. Smile


sparky's picture

Yes, you may be borrowing trouble and why on earth would he expect his child to wait. Every child that I have ever known had their santa and Christmas on Christmas morning regardless of where they were.

A L Cannuck's picture

You have a couple of xmas mornings to go before you really have to deal with this situation. For me, I have two ss's, two bm's and it has been different throughout the last eight years. My oldest ss has always been with us for xmas morning, my youngest began with his mom, gradually worked out to every other year, and now bm2 has been great to work with us having ss8 usually xmas morning, or by noon hour. So back to your question....waiting? Realistically it cannot be done can it? But then instead you will end up with your baby opening up the gifts, and then sittiing watching her siblings come home to a pile to open too! Now if you are lucky like me, ss8 pretty much shreds everything in 5secs flat so there is not a long process(torture) of your bb(biobabe) watching the others open their pile of goods. My solution...(and first I will tell ya, we are not a "spoiling xmas morning fam" with all the family our kids have on all they really need it) On the occasion when ss8 is not able to be with us xmas morning, when Santa is out shopping there is the gifts for the kids individually, but there is also gifts "for the family" (generally boardgames, playdo, lego...etc something everyone can enjoy) so when time comes for ss8 to open his gifts...there is still a little something for the others to open up too. Not giving out anymore to anyone cause the are the "family's present from santa" With any luck, the your skids bm will come around a few years for now, and will give a little giving your family the everyother year xmas swap....cause it is definatly priceless having all the family wake up xmas morning together.

Gabby77's picture

The idea of family gifts! That's perfect! I do have to admit I was thinking about the baby having to watch his/her older sisters opening presents and how that seemed kind of unfair. But that idea is great!! Thanks!

Mary Louise's picture

you could always start a new tradition of all the kids opening their Santa stuff on Christmas night instead of Christmas morning. Unless Santa doesn't wrap gifts at your house (this was a BIG discussion between me and fiance - we want to have kids together and Santa never wrapped presents for me growing up - Santa wraps for his kids)

growing up our family always opened family presents on christmas eve night then santa stuff christmas day - we got some excitement out of the way the night before and were able get some clean up done before the next round the next day.

also, your child will never know the difference - she hasn't been around for all the previous christmases! I'm big on making new family traditions when there is a big change - So the kids don't get so sad about missing mommy we do some things the same but we have made new traditions for our "new" family.