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Is Biomom trying to be friends with my child

FlaminMama's picture

Here's another brain teaser, why is it that the ex thinks she is on some level ok to talk and like socialize with daughter. Every time we are all together, she is constantly talking to her, buying her snacks, or bringing them for her. It aggravates me to no end. I know that my child doesn't know the 'situation' but why is she doing that. Always like running to her a card and taking my baby with her. I don't like that at all, I know I am being petty, but ugh!!!! It drives me crazy


happy mom's picture

Do you have a good relationship w/ex? Does ex think you have a good relationship with you? It might be that she thinks you have a good relationship w/her and also would like to develop relationship w/your child. I think that's the only reason I can come up with. Is your relationship w/her nice on the outside to be just polite and inside yourself you can't stand her? She's probably getting the wrong message. My daughter does not respond to ex, I think because she knows what I've gone through with her and she doesn't care to care to talk to her.

smcpaw's picture

My daughter rides to school every morning with my boyfriend's daughter and her mom - they swing by the house and pick my daughter up everyday. The biomom is sweet as strawberries with my daughter and would do anything for her. Not really sure why it is so because the biomom stabs my boyfriend and I in the back every chance she gets. Her own daughter walks all over her and my daughter shows the utmost respect. Maybe she's hoping that my daughter's mannerisms will rub off on her own daughter - I doubt it - I only hope her daughter's mannerisms don't rub off on my daughter.

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