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Sad when DH assumes that SS19 committed an armed robbery

DaizyDuke's picture

So there was a story in our local news last night about a home invasion in SS19 town. Apparently 3 men (all 19 years old) broke into a home with a rifle and demanded cash. A scuffle ensued and the home owner shot one of the robbers. One of the robbers transported the other robber to the hospital (where he is in critical condition), so they were both caught. The 3rd robber was on the lam.

the home invasion happened in SS19 town, however 2 of the robbers were from neighboring city where I work and were frequent fliers with the police and also with school district administration when they were in school. So I was reading the story to DH and when I read the first two names, I said "well I know both of those names, they have both been in my program numerous times because they've been suspended from school." Then when I got to the 3rd guys name I gasped, because I know he is the nephew of a golden uterus BM that we know (we went to school with her and she had a kid with one of DH's high school friends). So when I gasped, DH said "what?? Was it SS19?" :O

Pretty sad, when you assume your son was involved in a home invasion. But to be honest, it would not have been a surprise. It's just a matter of time, without a doubt. He's a high school drop out, with no job, and no purpose who has been smoking dope 24/7 since he was about 11. He acts and dresses like a wanna be hood rat and hangs out with other wanna be hood rats, and scum from neighboring city. So I'm quite certain we will be seeing that he was arrested for something at some point.


thinkthrice's picture

It won't be long before Chef is reading about YSS15 in the online news. Just received another "warning" that YSS is chronically absent/tardy/skipping school. . .

DaizyDuke's picture

Yep, that's how it started with SS19... started getting letters in about 5th grade about chronic tardys and missed school. Then the smoking dope and drinking started. Oh and don't forget the sex, BM2 told DH she started giving SS condoms at age 11. He's been in summer school every single year since 7th grade and still failed.... because he couldn't be bothered to go to school and MOTY couldn't be bothered to ensure that he did. For his Sophomore, Jr. and Sr. year they literally lived TWO freaking blocks from the high school. Any type of parenting and talking sense into SS that DH tried to do was always met with nasty text messages and phone calls from BM2, scolding him for being "mean" or "a terrible father" and SS just continued to do what he wanted to do. Damage is done and pretty much irreparable now. DH has given up and just holds hope that MAYBE one day when SS grows a set and grows up and/or doesn't have BM to coddle him anymore he will come to his senses and realize that DH was trying to help him.

thinkthrice's picture

Same here. Although I doubt the sex part. YSS is as HOMELY AS HELL!!! OSS21 is quite unattractive (looks exactly like the Gir with same colouring) Only thing that saves the Gir is makeup and lots of it!!!

YSS15 is off the charts! He got the worst features of both the Gir and Chef.

moving_on_again's picture

My SS did make the news. For ramming his truck into MSD's bf's mom's car. BM called him a hero. DH was pissed, of course, he's the one who paid for the SS's car.

DaizyDuke's picture

A hero?? :? what the hell is wrong with people? BM must have some pretty low standards? lol

moving_on_again's picture

Ya. She's an idiot. MSD keeps running off with the same idiot boy and the boy got arrested when it happened so that made SS a hero by putting the other boy in jail. There were 6 cop cars there when SS did it. The cop even told DH it was unnecessary. I don't know how, but SS got in no trouble for it. I mean - he rammed his car into someone with at least 6 cops watching and NOTHING. I don't care if the car had a criminal in it or not. He'll end up like BM, always managing to get away with stuff so just keeps doing whatever they want.