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Tired of caring what others think!

Countrymom's picture

Ever so often I just feel like I need to unload my thoughts and feelings and now is one of those times. I’m sorry if this turns out to be very random.

Thanksgiving dinner at MIL’s is Saturday and I’m dreading it. Dinner at DH grandparents is on Thanksgiving day with MIL and the “aunt” that hit on my DH, along with other aunts, uncles and cousins. I will just ignore MIL and the “aunt” the best I can, speak only when spoken to.

SS7’s birthday party was this past Saturday at MIL’s because I was not putting in the work or money for an ungrateful child. Before we leave to go, SS7 of course starts acting up and not listening to DH when he was telling him to get ready to go to his own party. SS7 says, “I hate my birthday and don’t care!” Perfect example of why I quit doing anything. DH had to take a breather outside alone before we could leave.

DH had asked MIL to just pick up the cake and pizza and we’d bring the rest. We arrive and the kitchen is fully decorated with cups, plates, noise makers, etc. I was annoyed because she knew we were buying those things, but did it anyway. If she wanted to do that, great, but she could have told us so we could have not wasted the money!

During the party she made some snarky comments that only I caught, which I know was her intention. She implied that SHE never makes fun of people, but I do and that my future SIL is wonderful and can be counted on for anything, unlike me. Yet future SIL treated BIL like crap and disrespected him over her ex-boyfriend for the first couple of years of their relationship, but she’s wonderful. BM cheated on DH and is a terrible mother to SS7, but BM and MIL are friends. And MIL is very close to her niece whom is “wonderful”, and this niece just began a relationship with her “ex” best friend’s boyfriend.

Yet all of these women are wonderful to MIL and her family, but because I don’t have a good relationship with my horribly behaving SS and don’t “love him like my own”, I’m a terrible person to be shunned and treated terribly by MIL and her family. I just don’t understand. I’ve been good to DH the entire time we’ve been together, never even considered cheating, and helped him with SS and how to parent better for his and SS’s benefit, done nothing but try to be a positive influence in SS’s life and treat him like I would any other child, but yet here I am, being labeled the horrible person because I’m honest by saying I don’t love SS like my own.

I get so tired of people saying that if you marry someone with kids you have to love them like your own, and it aggravates me even more some of these step parents agree to it! I know most of this takes place on “Fakebook” and people have to try and look good on there, but I know that if these step parents were honest, they would not agree. They may very well love their step children, but it is not the same as your own child. Guess I just made the mistake of being honest, but I’m not good at being fake.

Thank you if you read this, I don’t really have a question, just needed to vent a bit. Unless you have advice on how to not give a crap about what other people/family think, including meddling two faced MIL’s that your DH is close with, yet won’t stand up to?? Acra, you seem to be good with that kind of advice!


Countrymom's picture

I've already started that, Saturday was the first time I had been at her house in several months. I only went out of feelings of obligation to DH. It was for SS7's birthday party. I only plan on being there when I feel like I "have" to, such as holidays. I will not go with DH just to visit like I have in the past.

Countrymom's picture

That is what I'm striving for, it's just very hard. But you are right, I can not control them, only my thoughts and actions. Yes, I need to focus on being thankful for the good things that I do have! Thank you for your comment.

bearcub25's picture

You know, as you get older, like me at 54, you stop giving a shit what people think or say.

I skipped DSOs SIL funeral. I'm sure his family thought I was a bitch, yea at times, but SIL was BFF with BM, was condescending to me and treated DSO like shit also.

DSOs family also didn't help him out one bit when he got saddled with skids full time. Never an offer to babysit, call and ask if we needed any help, they haven't bought the minor skids Christmas gifts for 5 years. My family was the ones to help out....babysit a few rare times, buys them gifts still.

No matter what they said or felt, I still woke up, went to work and was able to carry on with my life.

Major Blunder's picture

Not caring what others think of you is difficult, even worse when they lift others up and put you down at the same time. I agree with Rosa, don't go any where near them, you don't need that venom in your life, it may cause an argument or two with DH but in the end it will be better for both of you. Happy wife, happy life .

robin333's picture

One of the greatest awakenings I had was that the only person that needed to like me was me. I don't owe remote family members or anyone else an explanation for my actions. I am who I am and judge all you want. I don't care because you haven't walked along my shoes or in them.

Stepped in what momma's picture

There is no way in hell I would let anyone talk to me like that and if it did happen it would only happen once.

ESMOD's picture

"but yet here I am, being labeled the horrible person because I’m honest by saying I don’t love SS like my own."

Sometimes there are things that are true that are better left unsaid. What were you going to gain by saying that? I know it's honest, and truly it's not realistic to expect SM's to love the skids all the time... but why did your MIL even need to know that is how you felt?

Countrymom's picture

Oh, that came out in an argument/conversation with her awhile back, I know I wasn't gaining anything by it. I don't even remember what started it, but like I said, I guess it was a mistake to be honest, but that's how I am, I wasn't going to lie, especially just to make her feel better!

ESMOD's picture

I understand, we all say things in the heat of the moment that we sometimes think may have been better left unsaid.

Unfortunately, your MIL apparently didn't take it in a good way and probably took it as more negative than it was meant (since it came up in an argument etc..).

Hindsight is 20/20 I guess. Maybe with time and repeated actions showing you are a decent person will help dull the rancor with her. Your DH needs to be supportive of you too.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Getting past caring what others think is very hard. I only care what others think of me who are my genuine, proven and trusted friends; I do not want to disappoint people who love me, if possible. There are not a lot of these people in my life actually. On the other hand, if you are not considered as such, to me I could careless what you think of me and I am not going to waste valuable minutes in my life with people who I do not trust or care about.

Countrymom's picture

Thank you all for your comments, I am going to read them daily to help remind myself!

"When other people like your MIL (which wins the award for busy body of the year) say bad things about you that is their problem not yours. It is who they are. You can not control what they do or say. Ignore their behavior. Live your life like they do not matter. Do your best with SS."

"That doesn't make me a bad person. It is Thanksgiving, so be grateful for all the wonderful things in your life."

"stop giving a shit what people think or say"

"don't go any where near them, you don't need that venom in your life"

"the only person that needed to like me was me. I don't owe remote family members or anyone else an explanation for my actions. I am who I am and judge all you want. I don't care because you haven't walked along my shoes or in them."

"only care what others think of me who are my genuine, proven and trusted friends; I do not want to disappoint people who love me"

"I am not going to waste valuable minutes in my life with people who I do not trust or care about"

LOVE ALL OF THESE, THANK YOU! I may print this out and post in my office Smile