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putting up this petition for Houstex...

cant win for losin's picture


Please sign this petition to stop the madness that is called Houstex DH.

If you have not read lately DH wants to name the said unborn child an awful middle name.

I cannot even type the middle name out. It, it, it, it is just too much...Whoa is me. (places back of hand to forehead)

We must unite fellow steptalkers, spare our sister in stephood, and NOT ALLOW this injustice.

Wink Wink Wink Wink


overworkedmom's picture

Bhahaha! I just had to go find the blog- Ella Havalina

I too shall sign this petition. Save the baby! Wink

oneoffour's picture

Me too! The great state of Nebraska petitions to halt this abomination on this innocent child!

overworkedmom's picture

Ella is a very sweet name. I don't think she has a problem with it, but the middle name... }:)

stormabruin's picture

Like a wild boar??? I haven't been reading, but why in the hell would a father want to name his daughter after a pig? I guess the boar is spelled javelina. Is havalina something else?

cant win for losin's picture

LMAO a stripper name....

destiny is already written.

gawd, i wish i could think of the comedian that joked about predestined names. (maybe it was Seinfeld) anyway he said that giving kids certain names destined them for certain jobs as an adult. Like the name "jeeves" he will be destined to be a butler.


Most Evil's picture

I liked the Moren middle name for her!!

I think that Havelina was a disrespectful term used to bully the unpopular on GCB recently! is maybe where he saw it.

The show is practically an insult to all women but especially Christian southern women, but it is also not good enough to actually hit that mark so whatever ... But was on after once upon a time!

Anywho78's picture

Signing the petition...end the madness!

A name of a pig is NOT what any child, much less a girl needs as a middle name. Maren is AWESOME!

Shaman29's picture

Signing this petition. The Javalina is the Texas A&M mascot. They live in can hear the kids making fun of this poor kid from where I'm sitting in Oregon. Sad

Ella is a beautiful name. I like Maren too (as the middle name).

stepmisery's picture

Reveille is the Texas A&M mascot.

Javelinas are pigs. Is the father not from Texas?

Shaman29's picture

Thank you for the correction. When I looked up Javalina the other day (after Houtx's blog), it came up as their mascot. Smile I kept wondering to myself, what a weird little mascot.

ThatGirl's picture

I'm a big pixies fan, but still NO WAY would I use Havalina even as a middle name.

ThatGirl's picture

Let him know that They Might Be Giants and Whitney Houston also did it, then maybe he'll change his mind.