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did they turn out like you predicted?

cant win for losin's picture

The skids that is?
Either your ex-skid, or now adult skid, or whom ever...did they turn out like you predicted?
Maybe they are better than you thought, or worse?

I was with a guy for a couple years, he wore blinders. He was oblivious to the daughters lies. He still kissed the ex's ass, all that stuff. The daughter was a liar, a bully, trouble maker, etc..
I told him. I warned him. Get a handle, or your in trouble.
Fast foward....drop out, foster homes, teen pregnancy, drugs, ........need i go on? Sad
It doesnt make me feel good, but i tried to tell him.


Annanymous's picture

No. Unfortunately she became a selfish, jealous, petty, manipulative, nasty hateful person at age 13.

I'm very disappointed and sad for her. She plays pity cards even making up stuff. I'm careful around her and can't wait to be free. She thinks she's living here and I'm paying her college erm nope! My kids will be five and three and deserve ot to have entire lives revolve around the great teen princess.

hereiam's picture

SD22 is pretty much where I thought she would be. A high school drop out, 2 kids, living with BM. She did get married, which was a surprise, but she is now divorced (not surprised). No job, no plans, doing nothing to help herself.