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Suffocating with bratty stepchildren :(

Bells2993's picture

I hope i found a place where I won't be judged.
I just happened upon this site, and saw "where stepparents come to vent" a d knew I had found the right place.
So, I just turned 25 and my partner is 40. I guess a bug age difference, but anyhow, his daughters are 2 and 3 and a half. Horrible little children. Him and their BM started them off with this crap called attachment parenting, which basically turned two would be normal kids into completely whiney, needy brats.
His older daughter is absolutely horrible. She is really only nice when she gets what she wants, to her tha  that tell her no, and she will throw a fit like a possessed child. Shrieking, throwing, stomping. For absolutely ridiculous reasons, like not getting her plate colour she wanted or not wanting to out her shoes on. Problem is, my partner has them for 3 or 4 days a a week a d the other half of the time they spend at their no good mom's, who is a waste of space. Total slob, doesn't clean, her kids always come to our place with dirty teeth and uncut dirty nails. As they still have a joint Netflix account (lol) I can see that often  the girls watch like 6h of My little pony in a day, as if their brains weren't already mush.
The younger one doesnt speak  at all yet, and basically acts like a big baby. I know she is two, but she will start crying her head off if he leaves the room, or will need to always be with him. I told him attachment parenting is like cancer.

Right now, we are spending the long weekend in the mountains, the 4 of us. And I'm going crazy. The worst part is, my partner seems to hate every moment of being with them and doesn't seem to find any happiness in parenting which is really discouraging for me, as I'm the only one in this relationship who doesn't need to be here. Help:(


MoominMama's picture

True, this is a place to vent but those kids are very young for you to feel so anti. Their parents have brought them up with 'attachment parenting' which you dont agree with (personally i think it's rubbish too) so you have a lot to contend with.

I think you need to really consider whether this relationship is right for you. 

NarcissisticSkids's picture

Get out now if you are not married. I hate to sound negative,but those kids will never learn to be good kids, if they have crappy parenting. Save yourself years of frustration and heartache....look at all the blogs and forums here of people that have gone thru this for years, and are still miserable. In my situation, it never got better, and my stepson is 39 yrs just developes into different issues....

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

sounds to me like the kids aren't the only ones with attachment/spoiled issues. YOUR partner and his ex share a Netflix account? Do they share anything else? Bank accounts? Amazon? Cars? 

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

You can’t blame mom alone for this behavior. Your partner is just at fault and just as able to change it. Problem is he doesn’t seem to want to and you’re not going to be able to do it on your own.

They are young enough and your partner has enough time that the children could easily learn how to behave better but if nothing is done nothing will change.

You need to have a sit down with your partner and decide how you guys are going to approach this. If you don’t like his answers then you need to decide if you want to stay in this home with these children. If he gives you answers you like then give it a little while to see if he follows through with your assistance. If not then again you have to decide if you’re ok living this way.

Basically these kids are going to be in your life for at least the next 16 years. They will only get worse and your resentment will only get worse if nothing changes. You have to decide if it’s worth it.

StepMamaBear6's picture

You are 25 years old!  What are you thinking tying yourself to a man so much older than you with kids?  Seriously, you are sooo young with your whole life ahead of you. Get out now. You think you are so in love, but I guarantee there is a lovely 25-30 year old man out there without children that will win your heart. Just look around you and accept that the next 16-20 years MINIMUM will center around those girls you despise. And by the time you throw your hands up and say I want out, you will be HIS age and 99 percent of the men will be divorced with children. Do yourself a big favor and start an exit strategy NOW!

Maxwell09's picture

My advice, coming from someone who was a young stepmother who had to deal with infancy all the way to 6 and counting...I would say: the children are a result of their parenting. They will NOT change until their parenting changes. That boils down to dad and mom and maybe you if dad will back you (but don’t do anything he doesn’t do because that’s setting yourself up). Ask your partner what bothers him about his kids then actively sit down and research parenting ways together. 

Now how to deal with the whining and dramatics...when my skid would come back from his mom’s desperate for attention and acting out in the form of screams and tantrums, I simply laughed at him. (My husband also was on board with this technique) Once you point out to a kid how ridiculous they look throwing tantrums they tend to be more conscious of it. Stil tell them “no” but thank them for their performance. Another tactic we used was recording. When I was left in charge of my skid without his dad there to witness, I would record skid. He would ask why I was recording him and I would tell him it’s for his dad to see later. He would stop then. Sometimes he would stop because he didn’t want his dad to see him throwing a tantrum (time out to his room usually followed that) or he would get so caught up in watching himself (I had my phone on the selfie mode so he could see himself on the screen) that he would start making funny faces or try to find angles to hide or start talking about something and watch himself. 



justmakingthebest's picture

Those babies are so young that they have had so much upheaval in their lives, it is no wonder they cry! They have a dad who doesn't care and are shuffled between 2 houses for 1/2 a week each week. That is so much on them! If you are going to be in a realtionship with a man with toddlers you are going to have to find a way to cope and be there for those babes. If attachment parenting is what their parents decided- try picking them up and hugging them if they cry. Attachment parenting doesn't mean no discipline, no boundaries or no rules. 

TBH, this sounds like a disaster that is going to harm those kids. If you aren't willing to be a better role model and parental figure in the house to them, you need to leave. They are just toddlers. They don't know what they are doing. Try reading some parenting books, taking a child psychology course to understand them better. Something. I am usually all about disengement or telling your partner to step up, but these kids are still so young and impressionable. They know that they aren't loved by you, that will cause major damage to them in life. 

beebeel's picture

I have a 2 year old and we are not using this "attachment parent" stuff. But guess what? He's a whiney, tantrum throwing, toddler. He will cry if i leave the room. He only has about 15 words, so most of his "talking" is nonsense and he acts like a "big baby." That's age two. The things you describe are normal for their ages.

Your BF has them half the time, so you can't blame their behavior on the bm. And I cant even imagine kids that young trting to adjust to two homes. 

I don't think this is the relationship for you. Clearly you have very little experience with toddlers and you have interesting expectations for their behavior. 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I agree with beebeel. I know dealing with whiny kids can be awful (I think all of us have dealt with it). But there's a reason they're the terrible twos... And when they hit thier "independent" stage later (around 5) they get whiny for a bit there too. Your BF does need to put his foot down so they know it's not okay, but they're toddlers too. Even the best behaved toddlers still thrown tantrums.

Also one thing that stood out... WHY DO THEY HAVE A COMBINED ANYTHING??? BM has her household, your BF has his... If BM even suggested we have something combined I'd laugh my a$$ off while saying no way in heck. We're two seperate households and it needs to be ran that way.

However they've been raised previously can still be fixed as long as your BF has your back and you're a combined front. They're toddlers, while some act worse than others, I think toddler age is still pretty flexible as far as adjusting habbits. I've read plenty on here about the skids acting different at different households. Kids are smarter than we give them credit, they'll only act bad if they're allowed to.

If you don't want to deal with it though, there is no shame in deciding you don't want that kind of a lifestyle. Many people have decided to leave those situations and it's been the better choice for them. This is about what you want and are comfortable with. No one is going to look out for your best interests better than you are. I'm not saying be selfish, but choosing who you're with and to be around someone who's going to have their kids around is a big change and definitely isn't for everyone. The reality is, in most cases you'll have limited control when it comes to the skids, yet will have to plan things around them.