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This ex stepson thing is on my last nerve

allinall's picture

Now, in the beginning, no one (DH and BM) thought it would be a good idea for ex SS to be around me. When SS and ex SS were at now DH's house, it wasn't a good idea for me to come over. When SS and ex SS would go places with DH it wasn't a good idea for me to attend. Now, since everyone ELSE (i.e.BM) is supposedly accepting of our relationship/marriage he just walks in my house and up my stairs regularly. I approached my husband about this and of course I look evil and "nasty" because I told them (SS and his exSS) to go back downstairs. We had a conversation (not privatley, so I'm sure it will be retold to BM) about me specifically not being upset about SS coming upstairs. (which means I only have a problem with his ex SS) I also asked him whether him bringing ex SS here was a request of BM and he said that ex SS just likes to go to football practice with his brother. (Football practice doesn't start until 6, they got here at about 5) I did speak to the ex SS and offer him a beverage. I just feel like "what else of her do I have to accept". I've been called every name in the book, threatened...and my husband has never offered a defense on my behalf. (because oh...that would just make her angrier) Now I'm supposed welcome her child with open arms or else look like an evil witch. Oh and yes, ex SS has a father whom he sees so it is not as if he is in need of a father figure. Sometimes I really wish I was a nasty person because I probably wouldn't have to deal with this stuff. My DH would already know the deal. But seriously....he ALLOWS her to talk wrecklessly about me for years and resolves it by being very nice to her and playing daddy to her son whenever he gets a chance. WOW!