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Two Steps Back's picture

Why is it so hard for the skids BM to return clothes? It has gotten so bad that SS has almost no socks or underwear at my home because a. He is 16, LOL and b. It never comes back from his awful "mother's" house. I have bought countless packs of these and its so costly! 

I asked my husband to follow up with his wicked ex, I cant even. If I ask for clothes she sends an 8 paragraph text about herself and then points out how critical I am. *crazy*


What is acceptable skid dress code?

Maria10's picture

In my house I insist that the kids and hubs wear a shirt and pants while in the house( pyjamas count as long as tops and bottoms are both worn). Unless at the pool shirts and pants are to be worn at all times. I am the only girl and I have to wear shirts and pants so should they. It is how they can show me respect.
