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Crappy Christmas wishes

Shieldmaiden's picture

Hi all,

 So this year has been difficult for me. The skids SD16 and SD18 have been behaving badly. SD16 is highly critical of everything and gives unsolicited advice on how to decorate our home, take care of the cat, and clean the kitchen "better". SD18 mopes around in the late night hours like a vampire, and sleeps til 1 pm. She leaves huge messes when she cooks.  She doesn't speak unless its to criticize her dad or ask him to buy her a car.


BF's Toxic Teenage Son 2

Soniki's picture

I'm sure some of you are aware of my situation with my bf's son (pleasd refer to my previous blog if not). I was wondering what your advice would be on how to tell my BF that I won't be buying his son any presents for Christmas or communicating with him any longer.
