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Does it ever make you sad....

futuremrs.k's picture

that you're dh, or in my case, dfh, had a lot of life's firsts like becoming a father, marriage, etc with someone that never loved him. My dfh was married for nearly 10 years. She cheated on him within the first year and a half, they were miserable for the next 3 and half (he went on vacations alone in that time) and then had a child. So, the next almost 5 years were spent trying to make it through for the kids. It just kills me that we can not experience stuff together as a couple that he has not already done.

First Time Here

CRenfort's picture

Hard day today. I will never come first for my husband. This is my fault, as I had no idea what being in a marriage with a father would entail. I think I wouldn't have married him; knowing what I know now. Whatever. It's too late with "what ifs." I wish things could be better. I'm hoping to find some friends here, to vent with. I'm 28, no kids, and I've been married for 4 years this May. I have a 9 year old stepson. Anyone??? Help???

Little Caesar = SS11

TheOtherMom's picture

Today was a Spring Holiday.
We live in a town comprised of 82% Catholic. So really, the town has been quiet because it's Good Friday.
Either way, the skids were home today and it wasn't too bad.

We went to SS9's therapist who is starting with SS11 next week.
The biggest punishment for SS11 is to take away electronic privileges like video games, cell phone, or TV. It devastates him. It makes me kind of ill how he reacts so I brought it up to his therapist and the truth hurt.

Down and Out

Sita Tara's picture

He's out. I'm down.

First night without BD 4 was last night. My sons helped me through. Tonight they have plans at their friends. I had a friend lined up to spend the night so I wasn't alone.

She canceled.

First night alone no kids no friends since all this happened.

I wish I'd never met him now, as I was so strong when we met. I wish I didn't miss him - the man I thought I married. How could I have been so wrong in choosing him? How could I have not seen he could do this? I have been through similar things before when I was very young...

Spin off from my Holidays Blog

Thetis's picture

So we're all pretty much agreeing that unless the kids ask for it that none of us would take our bio children over to Bm's place to visit with their step/half siblings.
So a couple more questions:

1. Has your Dh ever mentioned having the "family" together for the holidays?

2. How do you deal with holidays when you DONT have your skids?

3. If your Dh was set on the idea of having all of his kids together, even if it means at Bm's house, what points would you use to try to convince him otherwise?

The FUNNIEST idea for SS25's Easter Basket

poisonapple's picture

SS25 is the laziest guy in the whole world. Works about ten hours a week at a pizza shop. College degree, but no drive WHATSOEVER to get a real job. Lives with DH and I, pays no rent, contributes nothing to the household. Lately has been doing sparatic chores when we tell him to, but even those take DAYS to complete. So I was talking to DH last night, and I asked him if we are supposed to prepare an Easter basket for the Stepkids. He said no. But as I was thinking about it, I thought it would be a hilarious idea to get a big basket, and fill it up with job applications.

Who should be the one to give the talks?

bjc26's picture

So my SD11 tends to have medical problems....not anything serious really. She just has a lot of nose bleeds, is anemic, and tends to get UTIs often. My DH doesn't do too well with these things. He doesn't do too well with much when it comes down to it. But about every week my SD will come to be and tell me that her "pee pee" or crotch hurts. I'll go through the series of questions of, "Does it hurt when you go to the bathroom?" "Is there any blood?" etc. This seems to be happening a lot lately. Last night she called me into the bathroom and told me that it was hurting again.

And it begins....

Fading's picture

I decided to play Mrs. GoodWife and picked up SD like I was asked. Although now I wish I didn't. The kid does not shut up. Constantly talking about "my mommy this" and "my mommy that". Ugh...Anywho, I get her back to the new house and she immediately begins doing laps through the house, I told her to not run in the house and she continued to do it, so she got sent to her room and had to sit on her bed. No tv, no toys. Then after supper she started in with the "I only like my mommy and daddy together".
