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Need serious insight and advice....

TASHA1983's picture

I have been dating my BF for almost a year now and he has a 10 yr old son that I honestly do not really like (The gold-digging, skanky, loser ex-wife is another story..I really dont like that situation either but unfortunately it comes with the territory I digress). In the beginning up until about 2 months ago I tried to and did enter into this relationship with an open mind and my BF, his kid, my son, and myself would spend alot of time together.
I had already dated a man with a child before this relationship and I wound up pretty much loathing his child and the whole "dating a man with kids" scenario. But I decided to give him a chance and come to find out he is an amazing man and BF! I can definitely see myself marrying him because he is a great man, provider, you name it! He has his son EOW and 2 hours every Wedn evening. I really hate that I have to share my BF and his time, attention, etc. I know that sounds/is selfish but that is how I honestly feel! His child is obnoxious, whiney, tattle-tale, etc. and it is to the point where I told my BF awhile back that when he has his son I do not want to be around him. He was upset because he loves spending all the time he can with me but he understands and was ok with it.
Last night I brought up the subject of what he would do if something were to happen to the BM and he wasnt too fond of having that convo because he didnt want to say the wrong thing to me knowing how I feel about his son.
We love eachother so much and we do want to get married and be together but one minute I can be all gung-ho about it and then the next I think to myself that I dont want to deal with his kid and his bs forever or however long he/we are around. My BF is so afraid of losing me and what we have, and I know what a great man and catch he is but I dont know if I can bring myself to marry him and be with him forever if I have to deal with his loser ex-wife and kid and all the bs they bring into our lives forever or if I should just end things as much as it would hurt us both and I would hate it and pray I find a decent man who has no kids and ex in the picture period!I just feel so confused and of course I dont want to settle, but I dont feel like I am settling because I love HIM but not his situation....

Any advice, support, suggestions, etc ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! I am so confused and this just tears me apart inside because I love my BF and I dont EVER want to hurt him and break his heart Sad

stepalong's picture

I think your last sentence says a lot about the situation--that you dont want to hurt him and break his heart. Granted, unless someone's a sociopath, that's rarely what we're after. But what about you? Is not breaking his heart worth feeling deep down that you've settled? Is not hurting him worth being tied to another woman's kid and ex the rest of your life and most every aspect of your life being in at least some way controlled by third parties over whom you have no control? I think you know what you want to do, but are afraid to rip the bandaid off. It's understandable. I am a SM of sd 10 and my husband is great, things have been HARD, but when we dated, i can honestly say I never wondered if it was the right thing. It just was. My mom always said whenever I'd ask her "how do you know when he's the one?", she'd say, "If you have ask yourself if he's the one, then he's not. When he's the ONE you just know it and that's that." She was spot on when i finally met my dh and while like i said marriage has been hard, I never debated about marrying was what i wanted the second i met him-literally.

You know in your heart the answer to the question you've posed here. I just hope for you, you have the strength to put yourself first b/c at the end of it all, we only have one relatively short life and we gotta take it by the horns and make it count. It's YOUR life; live it!
Good luck Tasha!

TASHA1983's picture

Thank you Stepalong - It is just so hard because I know he is a great man and I am happy with him, I just hate the whole situation. I want to be happy with him and have a great life with him but I also dont want to put up with a kid that isnt mine and deal with his crap and the ex-wife's bs as well. I dont want to do my own thing EOW because he has his kid and I dont want to be around him, I hate it and I am so torn apart inside over all of this because he is the greatest man that I have ever been with and he loves me and I love him sooo much. I cant and dont want to ever imagine him with someone else and not be with him and have what we have....this is just ripping me apart Stepalong...idk what to do and if I am strong enough to rip the bandaid off as you said Sad

karendow's picture

You don't have to like you step son but you have to respect the fact that it is his bio son. Children often enjoy spending time alone with their bio parents so you should take that time to enjoy get togethers with your family and friends. He is only 10yrs old and since you have never experienced having a bio child it is difficult to understand the stages kids go thru. They change constantly from one year to the next.....he may turn out to be a wonderful young man who's company you enjoy. His father does love him and want to spend time with him and those are nice qualities in the man you love. Would you want a man who didn't want his kids. That would not speak highly of him. Respect the fact that his son is important to him and will continue to be a priority for the next 10 yrs or more. If you can't respect that, and find a way around this situation, then you should find someone without a child, as this has been a problem for you in the past and your BF also deserves someone who can accomodate his relationship with his child.

SMof2Girls's picture

It sounds to me like you are imposing pressure and stress where there doesn't need to be any.

Is there a reason, after dating for 1 year, that you are so pressed to get married? Or why this has suddenly become such an enormous issue?

Is there something wrong with BM, or changes in the future that would impact his custody time with his son? If not, EOW and 2 hrs on Wednesdays is not a terrible amount of time. If you can't handle, or don't want to be around his kid, then don't. Make other plans when the skid is going to be around. Your relationship can and will survive these small breaks, and you may find them beneficial for your own personal well-being (alone time for you, bonding time with you and your bioson, etc).

oneoffour's picture

Whenever a child is with the 'new' parent there is some adjustment period. My GD spends her time 50/50 between her parents and the first night is always fraught with tears and grizzling. Kids are resilient but they need time to adjust. Consider if you had to jump between 2 offices for work. Each time you arrive at the other office you need a little time to settle in. And 2 hrs on Wednesday is not enough time for the boy to unpack your bookbag/backpack unless his parents live across the hall from each other. This is just totally unfair on both the father and his son.

This being said, they are a double deal. If you cannot stand the child, walk away. SO may be the love of your life but in the event of his ex's demise he will be taking on his son 24/7. And from the sounds of things this is your worst fear.

When I left behind my life in another country and moved here I had no choice but to work out hw to deal with DHs kids. Nice enough but with extreme lack of manners. Things like not holding the door open for adults. Not helping bring in the shopping from the car. The catch was either I worked out how to make it work for me without trying to 'take over' the parent role or I walked away. Seeing 'walking away' meant a LOT of paperwork and expense and as DH was on the same page as me, I stayed.

See, if SO sees his son as perfectly OK and completely normal then you have no hope. He already has this baggage or responsibility. How would you feel if SO said he cannot live with your son and he drives him crazy? You want your DH to give up on his son and pretend he doesn't exist and start all over again with you. What if he wanted the same thing of you? Could you walk away from your son? Then why should SO?

I think you need to find the good qualities in the boy. Work out how to make this situation work for you. And cultivate a friendship with one fo his female relatives who sees eye to eye with you re the behaviour/attitude of Mr10.

I had an ally in my MIL who backed me up 100% on my expectations of her grandsons.

Disneyfan's picture

How would you feel if you BF decided he doesn't want your son around?

How often does your son stay at his dad's house?