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How can I get over the resentment and hatred I have for SD.

Tasha B's picture

I have been with bf for 5 years now. His little precious is almost 20. She says she's moving out but never does and keeps saying she is going to college the next semester and that semester has never come. She has stolen from me, she tells lies on me, she treats me awful when he isn't here. She has told me this is not my house, I don't belong here, and even ask her father why he is with a fat, lazy person that doesn't work and won't do anything around the house. I have been recently diagnosed as disabled due to lower back problems. I now have to walk with a cane and park in handicap parking spots due to inability to walk. I have started falling recently and she thinks this is funny. She is a horrible person. I call her the anti-Christ and my family has pegged her the little b***h. I never told my family how she was or anything about her before they came out for a visit and from meeting this girl one time they have her pegged. I don't know what to do anymore. Her bm and bf have never really disciplined her. Her bm used to get in physical fights with her starting when she was 12 and still does. Her bf still lets her do anything she wants and never puts boundaries on her or punishments for what she has done. She has had a DUI and totaled her car and now she drives without a drivers license. She continues to drink and heavily I might add. She brings her loser boyfriend over here and if you don't run him off he spends the night which her father has told her he is not allowed to spend the night. The day she turned 18, she had her boyfriend over here spending the night. She has been like this since she was 12 or 13. Her bf told me they were considering sending her to military school at that age because she was sneaking out of the house and sneaking boys in her room. This is a troubled child, yes child. She is crying out for help and has totally turned on me. We used to be best friends but I found out she was doing drugs, among other things and felt that her father should know that information. She is a pot smoker, heavy pot smoker. She has 2 jobs and still can't get enough money to move out. Her boyfriend will not work, he would rather sell drugs and make his living that way. I'm at my wits end. I have told her bf that is she stays I will leave. I can not take her doing this anymore. Please help me!!!! She has done so much to me that I can't put it all on here. She still plays her parents and they fall for it everytime. She is a manipulative little shrew. And she has no clue what that means. She has got to be the dumbest person you have ever seen. She thinks Canada is part of the US and got mad when a local store would not take Canadian money. Hello!!! She thinks her car will on do 85 because that's what the speedometer registers. This is what is going to college. I told her not to waste the teachers time anymore. She's not smart enough to go to college. She is a waste of space and will be another statistic of a drug deal gone wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated on how to get this thing out of my house. She thinks just because I'm not working that I should be her maid and cater to her. She certainly has a problem with authority and thinks it's funny that the cops haven't caught her yet. I don't know what to do. I just want her out of the house. When she's not here, there is no drama in the house but when she's here, there's utter chaos. She and her boyfriend have broken a lot of things in the house fighting and she will not pick up after herself at all. Her room stinks from all the pot, beer, alcohol, dirty dishes, and God only knows what is in there. They have kicked holes in the walls, thrown phones - I can't tell you how many phones we have gone through or cell phones she has gone through. I am at my wits end, please help anyway possible. Thank you so much for any advice.

Anon2009's picture

I'm sorry for what you have to go through Sad

Are you married to her dad? Would you consider going to marital counseling, and getting yourself some individual counseling if you feel you want that? If your significant other doesn't agree to counseling, then the best thing to do will be to pack your bags. This environment isn't a good one.

Tasha B's picture

We are not married and I will not marry him until she is gone. I have ask him to go to counseling but we simply do not have the money. I have been off work for almost 2 yrs now and his business is slow due to this economy so we just have been struggling. Everything has been so hard for us financially and emotionally. He just recently lost his father and a few months later he lost his step-mother and her children have been selling everything off and causing problems with the will. So this has been a very trying time for all of us. I appreciate any prayers. I have no objection to counseling in any form whether it be family or individual but I can not put more burden on this family. Thank you for you reply and if you can think of anything else, please advice. Smile

sqstepperson's picture

}:) I agree..she needs to call the police, and kick that sd out. Leaving herself just lets sd "win". Any man who allows this sort of thing to go on is weak and spineless. Some fathers just enable their daughters out of guilt.I have a 38 yr old sd, spoiled, has her father wrapped around her finger. After spilling hot cereal on my new leather recliner and spilling drinks on my sofa, I had had enough. I let both she and her father have it, in an icy calm manner. I laid the law down to sd, told her if she cannot follow the rules ( eating in dining room only, not leaving bed unmade, and not leaving wet towels on floor), in our home and respect OUR things then she will not be allowed to visit.I told her this is OUR home, not hers, she is a guest. I also told her father it was his place to set boundaries, which he never did. You have to stand up for yourself .

stepgin's picture

I don't know if your bf would do this or not, but I would suggest that you sit down together and get some ground rules laid out that you can both live with. I am dealing with a similar situation myself and know how idiots like this can make your life a living hell. Set a date on when she should move out with your bf. Since she is living in yours and bf's home, she should be held accountable for her behavior or SHE IS OUT ON THE STREET. Also, since she is working, she should be able to save some money to get out on her own. I know she probably spends it all on pot and partying but if she has a date written in stone on when she has to leave, it's her own damn fault if she blows all her money.
Other than that, I would totally disengage and not do anything for her. The fact that you are disabled should tell your bf that you can't and won't take care of someone who can do things for themselves. I hope this helps! I know my husband enables to the point that I'm angry all the time over our situation. Best of luck fixing this tricky problem.

Tasha B's picture

I know what you mean about him enabling. We have set down ground rules but my bf is such a pushover that he can not stick to anything. He is not a disciplinarian at all. To be truthful, he's a lousy father. He has no clue what is going on in his house. I am guilty of making him pay attention to what she's doing and he has ask me to help him. Well, I fell for that once and now I'm the bad guy. I get blamed for everything that happens because she manipulates him to the point that he hasn't a clue what is going on. All he knows is what she tells him or what I tell him and I feel he is partly responsible for all that has happened. He is responsible because he is her father and should be able to put a stop to it but he just can't do anything to his precious daughter. I feel for anyone that is in this situation but I have to give him credit for putting up with my medical condition and taking care of me and keeping me here. We have talked about me leaving and he absolutely refuses to let me go and we love each other so much but his daughter is too much. I don't and won't put up with some little snot nosed kid pushing me around. I literally hate her and now she has her brother saying things and doing things to me when their father isn't here. This just started and I will not put up with anymore. Thank you for your input. I wish I could help with your situation but the only advice I can give is leave when you know it's time to leave. How much are you willing to put with or take?

Most Evil's picture

Yes to me you are having these feelings because you feel powerless and have no boundaries set with this girl. It is tough because you are not feeling well and cannot put the fear of God in her re. you.

If her dad will not do anything, I would warn SD and him that the next time she lights up pot in your house or drives without a license or drunk, you are calling the cops and they will deal with her if she cannot control herself. Same for her boyfriend. Then do it and let the chips fall where they may (but warn them first).

If it is uncomfortable for her to be there and be 'herself' if that means drinking and smoking (she is also not legal age to drink, how does she get that?), she will leave. To her credit if she would stop getting high she would probably think a lot clearer and do better in all phases of her life. (dur)!

DH sounds like he could be ok if he would just get a backbone and stop enabling SD. Tell him he is doing this to her, effectively crippling her development, by allowing this behavior in his house. BM sounds like a total loss so it is up to him.

Sorry but it is time for 'tough love'! IMO

bizbear's picture

I agree with Most Evil...SD is engaging in illegal activities in your home. Warn her and then call the cops. She needs tough love and if her dad can't do it, let the authorities deal with her. Similiar situation here, without the drugs or drinking, but all the enabling in the world.