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Getting hounded for money

Superstepper's picture

Haven't been on for a while, trying hard to be positive but its so hard somemtimes. Vent: I do NOT like SS knowing our finances at all. We have decided to sell my old car (I already have a new one so this is money in hand out right). This is the car SS deemed not good enough, as well as his sister did years ago. Had to have an SUV which of course is what he ended up with. I paid for this car by myself and it should fetch a nice profit, it's not that old and in good shape.

So this money is mine to spend however but I want to put it in savings or maybe invest it. DH brings this topic up in front of SS who at this point was unaware we were thinking of selling the car. He immediately pulls up the internet with searches for a jet ski, which he claims is something he has always wanted and yet this is the first I am hearing of it. I said, well sounds like you need to get a job then! I got the dirtiest look. So I proclaim loud and proud, we are not using MY CAR MONEY to finance your jet ski dream. Period. He just kept bringing up the ads and showing DH and ignoring me all together.
He will not get a dime of the money but I am so sick of being the only one who speaks up and tells him no. I know this is a flaw with DH and his mentality that his precious boy is helpless COD. I've told him to get some balls, I am tired of doing his parenting for him!

So frustrated with this!

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

You don't even have to parent on this one.

The answers nope. Your car your money. SS can dream about getting a jet ski all he wants but there's no money for it so oh well.

Loxy's picture

That will only work if her and DH don't share money, if you do share money then it doesn't matter whether he uses the money from your car sale or money from another account to by the skid stuff.

lintini's picture

Just make sure the new suv doesn't have a tow package on it. Problem solved!

Where does the prince think he's going to park the trailer for one? Id tell him he can park it in his room and sell his bed.

Valkyrie's picture

Is he for real? I'm surprised you have stopped laughing long enough to post this. You are completely right, this is a DH problem not a skid problem. Some people are simply incapable of actual parenting because they confuse what will make kid happy in the short-term with being a good parent. I hope you spend your money on something that is just for you and enjoy it.

TwoOfUs's picture

I want a pony and new wardrobe. Please let me know when you've sold your car so I can start shopping.

TwoOfUs's picture


I'm in a rare mood lately. Killing it at work and not taking any prisoners.

OP - we get near-monthly money-begs from BM, despite all the extras we do. It does wear on the soul.

Thumper's picture

I wonder how kids living in 2018 would cope if they lived back in the 1960's or 70's?

OP no joke I would ask your dh---so, dh, tell me what you knew about your parents finances growing up.

twoOFUS, I hope you do not hand out money above the cs amount in the court order.

TwoOfUs's picture

Oh...we used to a lot. Then we started paying any extras directly. Now we've basically put a stop to most of it in the past year or so. And my retirement and savings accounts doubled in 2017. Wonder if there's any correlation? lololol. Trying not to think how much I could have saved away if we'd instituted that policy back in 2009. Or if I'd not married someone with kids...

mommadukes2015's picture

When my Step Father's mother died, he and his 4 siblings met to discuss her estate. She owns a camp on a local lake that had been a family home. There was a possibility that the siblings could decide to sell the property. Knowing how difficult this meeting would likely be, I called to see how SF was doing afterward. I didn't ask about what they decided, just if he was okay. My stepsister on the other hand, apparently showed up the next day trying to find out if there was any money to be had.

Some people are just like that. Keep your wallet far, far away from them.

Acratopotes's picture

Simply ignore him back lol, or make him belief he will get the money without saying anything, comes the day he wants it you laugh and say.... sorry dude we all work for our money and go on with life...

lorlors's picture

Sounds a lot like my ‘little lord’ stepson who I now call Prince Charles behind his back LOL. Take take take, moan moan moan.

A JetSki though?! That takes some serious mammoth size cahones to even raise as a suggestion. He must be my stepson’s long lost identical twin brother. Their sense of entitlement is just staggering isn’t it?

Rags's picture

My SIL is one of these POS people. My IL clan all exchange Christmas lists every year then they each draw a name for gift giving. The young children all pretty much get gifts from all of the adults. But the adults do this list/draw the name thing.

Except for us. We are not included in the name drawing. Of course we get everyone's lists. The list we get every year from my SIL has a few choice things added to the top of the typed list in her semiliterate hand writing.

*New car
*Pay off mortgage
*several other expensive things.

You cant fix these people and it is illegal to just shoot them..... unfortunately.