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"Hi Sweetie, This is your MOOOMMM" ...

BSgoinon's picture

I nearly rolled myself in to another dimension with the eyeroll that commenced after I heard that voicemail.

BM blew SS's phone UP yesterday, phone calls, texts... more texts and more texts. I finally had to set his phone to not get texts during school hours again so he doesn't get in trouble for his phone going off in class (yes, I let him leave it on. I take no chances with school shootings and everything else. Lets not waste time turning a phone on).

Anyway, I was reading the texts that were just SOOOOO important that she couldn't wait until after 3 to send, like he has told her a MILLION TIMES. Usually he will text her back and say "I AM AT SCHOOL". This time, he FINALLY just ignored her. She obviously doesn't care that he is in school. Why would she? Her texts said
"I FINALLY got my car"...
"You are gonna LOVE my car"...
"Hi Sweetie"...
"I just wanted to say HI, and let you know I got my car"...
Some of these she sent multiple times.
SS responded to her at about 7:15 last night and said "nice"
She was all over it..
"You are gonna love it"
"I am about to be out of cell service area"..
"Just wanted to say I love you"..
"And goodnight"...
SS replied "night"

She had also tried to call. Her voice mails make me want to puke. She still talks to him like he is 5 years old. Although, I guess she doesn't realize that he is literally A MAN now, you know, since she hasn't been around to see him become one.
"Hiiiii Sweeeeetiieee. It's your MMooooommmmm. I just wanted to call and tell you that I love you. Call me back as soon as you can, ok sweeeetiiieeee? I loooovvveee youuuu". :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

Her existence makes me ill.


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I literally laughed at the image of this crazy person trying SO hard to be overly bubbly and impressive so everyone can recognize how "awesome" she is... Sadly I also pictures someone with lipstick over half their face like a two year old did it and some crazy colored eye shadow... lol

BSgoinon's picture

So, you've seen pictures of her LOL. Literally. Red lipstick on all crooked, and blue eye shadow. But that's only when she's dressed up.

BSgoinon's picture

For sure. I don't know what it is about meth heads and red lipstick. And she is VERY proud of it too. She always posts things like "don't be a hater because I have blonde hair and red lipstick"... uhhh... no one is a "hater" because of it, we just want to know if you put that lipstick on in the dark... and your hair isn't blonde. You are just stupid.

moving_on_again's picture

Why would people hate you for wearing red lipstick and having blonde hair? Isn't her hair falling out?

She's such an idiot.

This from a comment down below, but who does she think believes she's at all these games? Apparently she is not friends with ANY of the other parents. I would love to call her out on it.

BSgoinon's picture

Exactly. At this point, she wasn't friends with any of SS's friends moms. So people believed her. There were even some "you are such a good mom" comments. Please.

Then some of the moms started following her, then they understood WHY DH and I have no sympathy for her. It actually HELPED us, as far as people understanding where we are coming from. The people that have their kids on SS's teams are good parents. And successful adults. Not saying they all make a ton of money, or are successful in their careers. They are successful in ADULTING and being parents. She dug her own hole there.

moving_on_again's picture

I consider myself lucky that BM can never make it for very long before she shows her true colors. That's why all her friends are teens and early 20s and she's 40.

BSgoinon's picture

Yup. She just posted a picture of herself with it on the other day. It's now completely filthy and misshaped. How does a BLACK hat get so dirty?

lieutenant_dad's picture

She must have been high and not realized that she was badgering him. That's the only sane reasoning.

Then again, she's not sane, so...

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

Oh No!! She sounds like my ex sister in law.
When she contacts my nephew it is always about HER.

Here his mom is talking to her son about HER car, how much SHE love him. Can they never - for just one time!! - ask the child how the child is doing or make it about the child?

I am sorry you and your SS have to contend with this.

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh gag me with a f*cking spoon. MOTY... what a selfish, brain-fried beeyotch.

i'm so thankful dumb@$$ doesn't pull this $#!t, at least not that i'm aware of. on the rare occasion she does call lurch's phone and dh or i are around, he'll go "dadgummit, what does SHE want..." before muting the ringtone and going about his business w/o answering.

i pray for the day when these meth-addled wh0res just fall of the face of the earth.

on a side note, i did a silly FB survey the other day and asked lurch to answer some of the questions about me. one of them was "what are you proud of me for?" he said "well, you're always here, you keep a roof over my head, food, stuff i need, even my car. i guess at the end of it, i'm proud you're a hard worker and good provider." my heart just about burst <3 <3 <3 kids w/ bm's like those in our lives just know. they just know.

advice.only2's picture

Don't be surprised when she gets in a car will happen. Meth ex totaled 3 cars that I know of while we had custody of SD.

As for the non stop calling and texting, I would say it's probably because she can't remember if she texted or called him. Meth ex would text SD random stuff and in mid sentence it would just stop....then nothing for several hours or days. One time the idiot called a land line we had set up for SD 25-40 times and left 3 or 4 messages...some of which were just her saying her name over and over again, others where she was talking and you could hardly make out what she was saying.