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Love/ hate relationship with SD

I love dogs's picture

DH has been getting SD every weekend for 3 weeks now. He had her for a full weekend (Friday-Monday) 2 weeks ago on his weekend, Saturday night to Monday morning last week, and yesterday mid-morning to this morning.

Yesterday, SD came in without saying hi (I was still in bed) and she usually makes an effort to at least say hi. Nope. Nothing until dinner. She holed up in her room playing on her tablet all night. DH asked her to hang out but she wasn't really interested and I didn't want to make the effort.

The past 2 weekends I had a lot of fun with her and we really connected and did nails and everything. I don't know, sometimes I feel really motherly and nurturing but yesterday I just wanted to be alone with DH. He ended up running errands all day.

I don't know if BM's house affects her mood but maybe yesterday was just an "off" day. She didn't say bye to me this morning and I didn't make the effort either. It's just weird to me that she can be so anti-social one day then social the next time.


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Unsure of how old she is but as long as shes not being blatantly rude I wouldn't worry. She getting use to the routine so coming to dad's isn't anything special. It shouldn't be. It's her home also.

I personally wouldn't like her staying in her room on a tablet all night but that's going to be up to you and dad to fix. Again unsure of her age.
I always try to do something with the kids each weekend as a 'family'. Even if it's just going to the park. It doesn't have to be over the top but going to the movies now and then or out bowling / skating is 'normal'. It allows us to bond and create positive memories. It also keeps them from begging for the TV / video games because they are board.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Preteen attitude. YSS is the same. Sometimes he's all nice and cuddly, then others he is cold and distant. When he is being pleasant, I am affectionate and warm.when he's not, I just leave him alone. No sense in trying to get him to behavior a certain way for my benefit.

strugglingSM's picture

I'm in this same position. Both SSs are starting to get moody and I'm not interested in dealing with them. If they are happy and friendly, I respond in kind. If they want to start drama, I just try to get out of the way. I'm not a big fan of middle schoolers to begin with and now I have two that live in my house part-time!

I love dogs's picture

I'll admit that middle schoolers aren't my favorite people either Sad SD used to love me 2 years ago.

I love dogs's picture

She's 12. I like spending time with her but I feel like maybe she was in a reclusive mood yesterday. I was too so I guess it worked out but she didn't say bye to me this morning which kinda bothered me.

She ate dinner with us and that was all. I think that's how she operates at BM's though. BM wants her to play and "be a kid" but SD hardly has any friends and no options other than play on her tablet.

DH and I take her out to eat frequently and we usually do one outing when she's over. I also make her put away her own laundry and clean up after herself. We may put a TV in her room and might get her a laptop for our house next year. DH is either a guilty Disney daddy or hands off dad.

Acratopotes's picture

pfft the time has come to treat her the way she treats you.....

if she is rude and ignores you, ignore her back..