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update, My Dad

Booboobear's picture

Hello, I was missing my dad so much that I called him. ( I don't call him because the phone gets hung up when I say hello) IT WORKED! it was different this time because the phone got picked up, no one said hello or greeted me, I could hear dads wife go "Its your daughter"in an urgent unfriendly tone, and my dad say "Huh?" and then his wife repeat louder in the same rushed unfriendly tone "ITS YOUR DAUGHTER". then my dad say "HEY HEY KIDDO!"

Then i listened to him talk about his alfalfa and selling half of his crop, and his new bailing device , and his new horse that is not broken and when someone tried to sit on it they got bucked off.

HE told me about his step son is coming to visit them and stay with them for a few weeks. I told him that was nice and asked if maybe we could come to visit them, he said yes at first but then said that he would need to get a travel trailer to park out there for us to stay in. I asked him if he was going to let his step son stay in a travel trailer, and he stumbled around with his words. I already know his wife won't let us stay with them anyway and we would get a hotel as usual.

I didn't talk to him anything negative, I don't ever do that.

So now Im feeling much better, he still sounds well.

I think why this time was different was 1. he was right by the phone, so when his wife grabbed the phone, 2. they obviously have caller ID because no one said hello for me to say hello and identify myself. 3. since both were in the general vicinity of the phone, both would be able to see the caller ID, so she HAD to hand the phone over or seem like a bitch. 4. Usually, when I call the person on the other line picks up the phone and slams it down "CLICK" without saying HELLO and greeting the caller, before I can say hello and identify myself.

So Im feeling pretty happy about that and thanks for your support, STEPTALK. all I wanted to do was to hear my dad again and for some cosmic reason, it worked this time instead of waiting for my dad to call me.

Im so glad that I love my dad and have no financial reasons to want a relationship with my dad, because I am not that kind of a person and am a real estate broker and have my own investments and live in a giant Lake house that I only owe $50,000. on and I drive old cars (2000 dodge neon, 2000 ford expedition, 2003 tacoma toyota) buy things secondhand and own rental properties that people pay me every month to live in. I am a thrifty entreprenur! ( this information is for the non helpful posters who keep insinuating that the only reason I was worried about my dad was because they think I am all about his will that his wife had him cancel.)

So ya, I felt pretty good talking to him, the stars were all aligned this time and in my favor because intstead of the phone going "CLICK" before even a hello, I got the "YOUR DAUGHTERS ON THE PHONE" before even a hello and then actually got to talk to him.

Booboobear's picture

oh, number 5. I think the reason the phone us usually picked up without any greeting and slammed down is so that I cannot leave a message on his message machine.

sandye21's picture

Glad you were able to speak with your Dad. I agree with Jam and wiwnesthecure - give him a 'heads up' when you are going to call again and get a hotel when you visit. Maybe when you visit your Dad you could work to form a better relationship with your SM.

still learning's picture

"in an urgent unfriendly tone, and my dad say "Huh?" and then his wife repeat louder in the same rushed unfriendly tone.."

Boo there is a whole lot of projection going on here. It sounds like your SM has to yell just so your father can hear her. If he had to be told who it was then he wasn't reading the caller ID.

About ss staying w/them. Is it just him, one person that wouldn't be too much strain as a guest? If you stay would it be you, hubby and your children? Can you maybe see why your dad suggested a travel trailer?

Booboobear's picture


Rags's picture


I hop that the update is good news.