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Is it odd...

BSgoinon's picture

That BM named her cat the same name we gave our dog? She knows it's our dogs name. We have had him for 3 years. She got the cat about a year ago... strange, right?


ESMOD's picture

Unless one of the kids has some affinity for some cartoon character of the same name or something, that is a pretty weird thing to do.

BSgoinon's picture

She only has one kid. SS. He hasn't lived with her in 2 years.... she got the cat 1 year ago. She's just weird.

stepmum-mark2's picture

It's a very popular character in Vikings.... maybe she just liked the name? I know of three family members who have pets now called Loki, lmao.... I just assumed they all watch Vikings!

secret's picture

would fall in line with her weird metal hat, cape and lightning bolt picture...trickster...or maybe it's some subtle hint at her other life... ...turning tricks... whatever. I kid. Blum 3

Salems Lot's picture

LOL. I know a few people who gave their cat that name... It actually is common for cats. I wouldn't worry about it.
Loki: A Norse God "The trickster". A perfect name for some cats.

BSgoinon's picture

Def NOT worried about it, at all. It's just typical of her and her "can't let go of the past" ways.. She is VERY well aware that our Dog is Loki. She has posted pictures of him on her social media (stolen from my instagram via SS's phone) because he really is an awesome dog. I would NEVER in a million name a pet the same as my ex's pet. It's weird.

mommadukes2015's picture

Imitation is the best form of flattery.

Sorry I just made myself laugh at the thought of one of our BM's flattering anyone.

moving_on_again's picture

I think it's pretty weird. But we aren't on drugs so who knows what goes through their ate up minds.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

BM over here knew SO wanted a certain breed of dog so she went and got one then "accidently" sent him a text about it claiming it was meant for a freind. Their names are no where close together in the alphabet and SO / BM communicate through a patenting app so yeah we believe the accident.

bearcub25's picture

That made me LMAO.

My BM loves to make sure DSO knows she is having medical emergencies. A few years ago, she sent me a text about medical stuff accidentally...what she texted was like she was replying to someone. I knew who it was but asked 'Who is this, you aren't in my contacts list'. She answered it was meant for her Mother. I don't know how she could send me a reply. I hadn't texted the stupid woman in 3 years.

DaniellaR's picture

My ex named one of his new- not yet abandoned kids my son's middle name. I thought that was weird as hell. If I use any names they might have in their household it's because I never think of them or remember the little things he may have mentioned about his life. Maybe she really didn't realize the name is the same? Or she could just be crazy lol