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My fault he divorced me!

enuf's picture

My ex told me he is angry at me because it is my fault he divorced me. I do not get what he means and I did not ask him to clarify it. The least said the better. If it was his decision to divorce me and he filed then how is it my fault?

He has shifted the blame to me, for what purpose, we are divorced? Any ideas?

I am so glad not to be involved in the craziness of his enmeshment with his ds48. Why I put up with it for so long is something I really need to evaluate.

hereiam's picture

Are you still living with him?

He is mad because he is realizing that the son that he threw you aside for, is not going to be there for him. They are both selfish cads.

He wants to blame you for not putting up with whatever he and his son wanted to dish out and now he has nobody to take care of him because, newsflash, his son is not going to.

You did put up with it for way too long but not long enough for him. You certainly don't expect him to accept any responsibility, do you? Or be mad at his son for being such a loser? Poor baby is just a victim in all of this.

enuf's picture

No, not living with him. I was just surprised that he blamed me for him divorcing me. I think you are right though he is seeing himself and his ds as victims. Now that I think about it it is rather typical as he has never accepted blame for anything or apologized for anything. He is also quite good at gas lighting. When I was married to him I probably would have been defensive and would try to explain myself. When he made that comment I did not respond to it. But why would he continue it now that we are divorced?

Boy, him divorcing me was a miracle for me. To bad he did not do it sooner.

hereiam's picture

But why would he continue it now that we are divorced?

Because he's miserable and lonely and needs to blame somebody. Why are you communicating with him and giving the chance to blame you? Do you guys still have loose ends to tie up or what?

sandye21's picture

"Why are you communicating with him and giving the chance to blame you?" My ex left me for another woman but when I found a boyfriend my ex would not leave me alone. He would come to my house and insult me. He even came to my work to harass me until the men I worked with put a stop to it. He didn't want me but he didn't want me to live my life either. Pretty sick, huh? He was so used to being in control he it was hard for him to accept he no longer had control over me - and I think this is happening to Enuf. He is resentful because she is happily getting on with her life. She's not reacting as he expected her to.

It appears Enuf doesn't really care if he blames her but is confused by his behavior since he was the one who initiated the divorce. But I agree with you - why even communicate with him? He doesn't deserve her attention, and it is a waste of her time.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Your ex sounds like a full blown narcissist who sees his offspring as an extension of himself.

enuf's picture

Exjulie I think you hit the nail on the head. I never knew about a narcissist, however about a week ago I came across an article and sure enough he had about 90% of the characteristics. Since then I have read a book on it and it fits him especially the techniques he has used on me such as gas lightening. I did not think he was a liar, I did not realize how blatant he was about. How could I have been so gullible not to realize how he lied about things in order to shift the blame to me.

He does see his ds as an extension of himself. The enmeshment is so unbelievable. It was quite difficult to come to terms that his ds came first. I could see if I had been mean and uncivil to his ds. But that was never the case. His ds just resented me from the get go and no matter how much I tried he continued to be rude. My ex just ignored it and would get quite angry at me if I mentioned anything. It really was a horrible way to live.

I was always so nervous about dh wanting to divorce me and I really let it affect my emotions. This last time was the third time he filed and it was always over his ds, due to me feeling frustrated over his behavior towards me. All he had to do was put some boundaries and he refused. Strangely because I was always afraid of him divorcing me I thought I would be devastated over him actually divorcing me. Honestly, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted and I am not devastated. I am quite surprised by my reaction of the divorce. I think that going to motor vehicle was a much worse ordeal than my divorce. I am sure ex is also surprised at my reaction as he would always dangle "divorce" over me as a form of control.

He controlled everything. One time I planted flowers and because I did not get permission he was quite angry and gave me the silent treatment for about a week. After the week he told me that he would take care of the flowers, watering them etc. He took care of them by spraying them with weed killer. Mind you there are 4 acres of land, and the flower plot was about 3 feet by 6 feet. I also bought some flowers in a pot to put on the deck, nope, not that either when I was not paying attention he took them an planted them elsewhere, out of sight. He would also throw away a lot of my things. Like my sheepskin car seat covers, special pots I had, cookbooks, which was sad, as one was inherited from the 1800's. The strange thing was that I kept the cook books out of sight, so I do not understand what the big deal was. He complained of the things I had in curio cabinets to the point that I finally removed the things in them. The next day he put all his special things in them. Isn't that weird!

I was just so committed to my marriage and now I am so glad it is over and that my douche bag ss is completely out of my life. He was also horrific. Why I put up with everything, I do not know, however now I am exploring that issue. Codependency is the first thing that came to mind. But I really tried, by going to therapy and she never mentioned anything. Other than to say that my ss and dh were the same.

sammigirl's picture

Say: "I'll take the blame, no problem. It's nice to be away from all the drama. Now we don't have to discuss who's fault it is, we both know the truth, it is SS48's relationship with you. End of conversations, don't mention it again and let's move forward."

This is exactly what I did; we didn't divorce, but DH did file for divorce, and when I let it all go and moved forward, he decided he likes his comfortable home and SD56 couldn't provide him with his needs of a married life.

If I were you, I wouldn't discuss it with him and I move forward. It is very difficult to move forward, because of the pain in your heart. Even though DH and I kept our marriage together, we are changed forever; it comes with hurt and very difficult to leave the past and move on.

I am determined to move on with my life, with DH or without DH. It isn't easy.

Stay here to keep it between the lines.

CANYOUHELP's picture

One more sign you did the right thing lady by getting rid of this self absorbed man.

Consider yourself most fortunate!

CANYOUHELP's picture

One more sign you did the right thing lady by getting rid of this self absorbed man.

Consider yourself most fortunate!

notasm3's picture

Nothing infuriates a person like that more than when you accept the blame but show ZERO remorse.

"Yes that was because of me. I'm so happy with the result."

sammigirl's picture

This is what I am talking about, exactly!

I read your hurt "enuf". Hang in there.

Last In Line's picture

If my ex ever decided to come up with a garbage comment like that to me, I'd totally own it. "Damn right it's my fault because I refused to put up with your abuse any longer."

sammigirl's picture

I did this and I still have to keep it in line, because my DH never stops trying to get me to forget and forgive and go back for more abuse. It is not going to happen; I tell my DH that too.

As long as we have skids, we have to do high maintenance for ourselves; I deem it "continued self protection", and I will never go back to what caused all my pain.

enuf's picture

I feel sorry for my ex in that he thinks that he has to devote his life to his ds. I have finally come to the realization that my ss probably behaved this way with all of ex's prior relationships with women. I could not understand why my ex was a bachelor for 20 years before me. Now I do, it was because of his ds. I am no longer taking what happen personally, it really is a sickness and obsession between ex and ss. It does make me a little sick to my stomach when I think of the degree of enmeshment that is going on. I hope my ex learns to eventually not cater to his ds as he does not have many years left on this earth. What a burden it has been and will continue to be. I find it completely silly and sickening that being his ds hang out buddy is more important than being in a relationship with woman. Especially since they are so opposite. My ex is intelligent, accomplished, educated Ph.d. Ss did not graduate high school, cannot carry a normal conversation, very emotional, short tempered.

I am so grateful that I am no longer in the triangulation. I was always to blame for what was wrong in their relationship. I was the scapegoat. I look back and I cannot believe that I tolerated what I did. I allowed my self esteem to be chipped away to satisfy their egos and I lost so many years of happiness.

Continue to be strong and say no when your dh insists that you also cater to their skids. It then puts him in the position to have to choose. It really is better knowing where you stand right now, instead of wasting years only to find out that you are second to skid who is a parasite.

Rags's picture

This is standard practice for idiots who have to try to make themselves feel better after behaving like an idiot.

My XW did the same thing. She came to me and told me she was divorcing me. Fine. We talked it out and agreed that we felt we could do it with only one attorney. So a few weeks later we met with our divorce attorney and at the beginning of the meeting he asked "Who is divorcing who?" I looked at her and she waffled and said "I don't want to be the one who gets blamed for it on the official record." I was shocked. I told her she wanted the divorce so she needed to step up and own it. Nope.

So I asked the attorney for a Quarter, stood up, told her to call it in the air. She called tails, it was Heads... she divorced me.

I don't understand idiots.

enuf's picture

Rags, I do realize that is what happened. He believes in following through on his threats. The normal dance was that I usually was the one to approach him and try to make things better after he threaten me with it. This time was different, when he typed the words "divorce" and sent it by email, a vision came to me, of me letting him go through with his plans. We would be headed there again, as I was sure there would be next time of such threats if it did not happen this time. He felt as if he was in total control. But the important question is "in total control of what?" A middle aged ds48,that cannot function in the world without first talking to daddy and getting his approval. One friend whom by my ex's definition is a cranky racist.

I am sure he thought that I would be revengeful, angry, spiteful for what he did to me. The truth is that the word PITY came immediately to mind. He always wanted everything to be his. The only things I took from the house after all these years were my clothing and two pictures. That is all I wanted, I can get everything else, probably even better items than what is in the house. He was also so protective of his money and came across that is what I was after. Nope, not that either. He now knows that he gave up a person who just loved him for himself and now he realizes that I wanted nothing from him other than his love.

He had all these stereotypes about me to the point of having me sign all these legal documents, post-nup, doc that I would not contest his will, doc that all household possessions were to be his and so on, only to realize none of it mattered. I can get new ones.

I refused to let his actions to further impact me. That was a conscious decision on my part. He can no longer affect me the way he did. He no longer controls me. True liberation! He is floundering like a fish regarding his emotions of what has transpired.

Rags's picture

I applaud and respect how calm and firm you are through all of this. You are a far bigger person than I. I would have left him sleeping under the local over pass in a refridgerator box and enjoyed every penny of his former assets.

As the jilted half of my first marriage I lost much of my ability to abide this kind of behavior or to let the perpetrators off lightly.

Take care of you.

sammigirl's picture

I let #1 go free, no child support, no alimony, property 1/2-1/2, no debts; guess what? Not this one, #2.

He has stepped on my toes and I will not walk away this time, at my age, after 36 years of hard work and devotion. DH is welcome to fix it or move to SD's up the street. I will not budge and I will not tolerate any b.s. DH has been told and I won't back off.

It's actually going well, since I don't care one way or the other and I am moving forward.