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No emotional ties

Helpmegod's picture

Does anybody feel really disconnected from the skids? I really resent them would I love them fbi real loved him?

Journey Perez's picture

I'm totally disconnected from my step kids. Always have been. Even when they lived in my home and I was helping in raising them. We never communicated directly. They always communicated with me through their dad and vice versa.

I do wish the best for them and wish no harm on them but that's pretty much it. I have no desire to see them and I wouldn't be hurt if I never saw them again. One of my stepson's I don't mind. He's always been respectful, engaging, friendly and cooperative, but the other 2 step kids, I feel nothing for.

Teas83's picture

"I really resent them would I love them fbi real loved him?" <<<<<< What does this mean?

I'm disconnected from SD8 and I don't really care. Sure, it would be nice to have the relationship that I had with her when she was really little, but BM, GBM and my husband have made that impossible for me.

TASHA1983's picture

I couldn't be more "disconnected" from that slob if I tried! I despise him and his existence in general and I hate that he is even apart of our lives. I wouldn't lose sleep or shed a tear if he never darkened our doorstep again...nothing would make me happier than skid permanently leaving our lives with ZERO contact ever again. *sigh* dare to dream... Sad

The impossible Girl's picture

It was actually heart breaking for me this year when i realized i would never be close to her. I actually cried because i want a loving family and i knew i didnt want her in it. I felt bad and i think my husband already knows bc he has been a step father and he kinda gives me the sense that he knows how i feel but he is grateful that i am kind to her and i try my best not to make her feel like a black sheep. But I definitely know how you feel, i am not close to her and i wanted to be but i couldnt. And i dont think we should be made to feel guilty for not loving them. As long as we are fair to them, that is good enough in my opinion.