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My Hat is off .....!!!!!

SebringLad's picture

To each and everyone of you involved in this stepfamily mess!!!
We have family members involved in the stepfamily hell and see it from the outside looking in as we,my wife and I, personally are not a stepfamily !!!
Life is crazy enough raising one's own bio kid let alone someone else's spore !!!
We wish you all the best !!


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I had to watch other people's kids on Saturday for about four hours. Four hours of kids yelling and screaming and making messes and ruining my stuff. my psuedo stepkids or baby's half sisters are teens now and I see them about 5 times a year so I just can't imagine what life is like for these stepmoms who have them all the time.

WalkOnBy's picture

It sucks - that's what life is like when you have them all the time. I HATE that Medusa hasn't seen her own kids in 4 and a half years - thanks a lot, bitch! Sad

Hell, I didn't even have my OWN kids full time. And I like them - lol!

Tuff Noogies's picture

hi. and thanks. you made me smile Smile
just like WOB said, being a full-timer with a problem kid and an AWOL bm just sucks.