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Can You Believe It? DH is Actually Starting to Look at Homes on Line with Me!!

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Wow is all I can say. In the past DH was, well, not that enthused about us moving again. But in the last week he has actually started checking out homes on line in the areas I like and going over them with me. He has actually checked with the real estate agent about more specifics on two of them!!

I am stunned.

Meanwhile, Twit keeps trying to get those paperweights...evidently, according to DH, she nags him all the time about them. I keep quiet thinking that is what he deserves since he opened his mouth about them in the first place.

I heard him talking to her on the phone once, as I passed by (no, I don't listen in because, well, I just don't care). He was telling her that "SDM doesn't owe her anything and if she wants them she can buy the ones that are left" You see, I have sold a few of them already.

I am getting ready to physically start looking at homes. Have talked to DD today about her coming here to stay in the house while DH and I go. She says to just let her know in advance so she can plan it.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

FWIW, Sat. was DH's birthday and not a word or a card from Twit. Me? I said absolutely nothing about her or it. THAT is how she punishes him for not giving in to her wants. Let him deal with it. When Father's Day rolls around it is NMP and I will not comment about anything.

I think that when I ask if he has heard from her, it gives him permission to transfer his anger etc. to me instead of where it belongs....on Twit.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This is great news! And you're spot on about your DH reaping what he has sown regarding the paperweights. Twit's badgering is working in your favor - how rich! If she only knew...

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

"Wow, she couldn't wish your DH Happy B Day over some paperweights"

That's his Twit. She punishes him by doing things like this, has done so for years.

Once she told me, out of the clear blue sky, that she REQUIRES unconditional love! I found that very, very interesting even though I almost laughed out loud at her. How grandiose but right in line with being a borderline/sociopath. She is far beyond narcissistic.

Don't worry, after snubbing DH on his birthday because she isn't getting her way, she will be back to nagging him in a week or so like nothing ever happened. That's HIS Twit, not my problem but his.

Maybe he has had enough as well and that is why he is getting active in the house search.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

"Wow, she couldn't wish your DH Happy B Day over some paperweights"

That's his Twit. She punishes him by doing things like this, has done so for years.

Once she told me, out of the clear blue sky, that she REQUIRES unconditional love! I found that very, very interesting even though I almost laughed out loud at her. How grandiose but right in line with being a borderline/sociopath. She is far beyond narcissistic.

Don't worry, after snubbing DH on his birthday because she isn't getting her way, she will be back to nagging him in a week or so like nothing ever happened. That's HIS Twit, not my problem but his.

Maybe he has had enough as well and that is why he is getting active in the house search.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

"Wow, she couldn't wish your DH Happy B Day over some paperweights"

That's his Twit. She punishes him by doing things like this, has done so for years.

Once she told me, out of the clear blue sky, that she REQUIRES unconditional love! I found that very, very interesting even though I almost laughed out loud at her. How grandiose but right in line with being a borderline/sociopath. She is far beyond narcissistic.

Don't worry, after snubbing DH on his birthday because she isn't getting her way, she will be back to nagging him in a week or so like nothing ever happened. That's HIS Twit, not my problem but his.

Maybe he has had enough as well and that is why he is getting active in the house search.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

"Wow, she couldn't wish your DH Happy B Day over some paperweights"

That's his Twit. She punishes him by doing things like this, has done so for years.

Once she told me, out of the clear blue sky, that she REQUIRES unconditional love! I found that very, very interesting even though I almost laughed out loud at her. How grandiose but right in line with being a borderline/sociopath. She is far beyond narcissistic.

Don't worry, after snubbing DH on his birthday because she isn't getting her way, she will be back to nagging him in a week or so like nothing ever happened. That's HIS Twit, not my problem but his.

Maybe he has had enough as well and that is why he is getting active in the house search.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Sorry about the repeated messages above. I was trying to get out after hitting submit and I guess the system kept repeating it. Grrr

notasm3's picture

I will be so happy for you when you have moved away. DH and I looked for our new home for over a year - but we are SO HAPPY with the home we finally bought. I so hope you will feel the same once you find your new place.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

The paperweights are at my store and the employees won't give anyone a discount without my permission Smile

As for DD, she has Twit's number. Twit won't get any where with her as DD knows what the Twit is having experienced her first hand.

What is sad is that because Twit is crazy, IMHO, I have to have someone here just to get away for a few days. After the time the neighbor saw her creeping around the place looking for a way in (I changed all the locks long ago) one never knows what Twit is capable of. Well, yes I do and I just have to protect myself.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

I also think DH has seen the change in me. Since my illness and reassessment of what I want to deal with as I go on in life, he knows that though I love him, I also love myself. That I will do what is good for me in respect to dealing with Twit and he is either on board or not.

No way am I going to let that sick cretin put me into an early grave because DH refuses to deal with her "problems" which are known to him.