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Mini wife syndrome question

SweetMom's picture

I have been in my step d life over half her life now. I have done more things with her and had some fun times. I don't understand every other weekend if not more time on school days out time she rambles the same stuff. She dwells on the time her and her dad was alone and things they both had done together. It's the same old things over and over. It's like I'm a big ass void to her in her life and she acts as if she is in madly love with her dad. He has set boundaries on certain things but she always talks about when she was 5. She spent one year a few times with him at that age. When will this end and she start to talk about OUR times as a family together?

SweetMom's picture

He only had one day off all week so we were all stuck in same vehicle driving somewhere for several hours. I personally don't want to hear it. We are all a family unit when we are together . That's the way I see it.

SweetMom's picture

Thanks for refreshing my brain. Maybe he needs to stop gettting her to come when he's at work. Yes I think she's trying to get under set my skin. I think she tries to instigate things to stir the pot because she's bored.

SweetMom's picture

Yes and she can ask him things. I fact she asked all kinds of stupid things. I just ignored it and let them chat away but when she asked him in my presence " when was the most saddest time of your life dad" what the hell!?!? What was she getting at? I figured she wanted to tell him the saddest time of her life or maybe something going on in her world at home. She said was when he left her. Yeah that made me feel like it was directed at me to get out of the picture.

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