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Are we ALL creating SISSIES?

LikeMinded's picture

Ok, don't get me wrong, I grew up in love with the singers of Duran Duran... not your manly men.

That said... am I going crazy or are we raising a bunch of sissies in the U.S.?

My DD13 went to Science Camp last year. We waited until the weekend before camp and looked at her list. Bought her some new shoes, packed her bag in 1 hour, and that was the end of it. DH helped buy the new shoes and let her borrow his flashlight.

This year it was SS12's turn to go to the SAME Science Camp, with the SAME exact list. DH and him have been preparing for this like he's going to Nepal. I have never seen a boy so worried about his person. Where is the bug spray? How do I apply the bug spray? What kind of bugs are out there? Should I bring a sleeping bag or a blanket? Maybe I should have more than one trash bag... Are you sure they meant a water bottle? Do you have some bottled water I could take instead? (this ended up in an 8 minute discussion, until DH was called in to read the llst AND DD was called to testify that they meant a refillable bottle, not bottled water).

Last night, DH starts in with wanting to drive SS12 to school separately instead of going with the carpool. I asked him why and he said "because he's carrying 2 bags". I said "you don't think a 12-year old boy can handle 2 bags? Who's going to help him at camp."

This morning, it went on... SS12, instead of being excited about going to camp, is worried. "They're supposed to give me breakfast, but can I have breakfast with you guys?" "Why?", I ask, "what if it's not as good?"... do DH, before I can respond, says "Ok, honey."

Then, I sent him outside with his bags to wait for the carpool. Because 60 degrees is not warm enough for him, he stares at me, blinking. I'm like "it's 60 degrees, you're wearing a ski jacket, for Pete's sake you'll be ok." DH glares at me. Then he runs out there to help DH put SS's two bags in the neighbors car for him. I'm surprised he didn't tail them in his own car.


Now SS12 is my good SS. I genuinely love him and we are affectionate. He's a great kid.

But oh my Gawwwwd! More worried about his blanket and person than my daughter ever was. More concerned about his person than I ever was.

I remember spending time outside. I was wearing roller skates or trying to skateboard with my friends. We fell out of trees, we scabbed our knees. We kept going (and I wasn't even a tomboy). These boys scratch themselves and create a needle-prick wound and they're running to me for a bandaid. They won't go outside and look at me as if I'm punishing them when I try to get them out there. They are afraid of bugs. They are afraid of their own shadows. They are very concerned about creams and ointments.

Some of this is BM. She still showers SS10 (cringe). I wonder if she'll continue when his pubs show up...

But my questions to you are:

Are we raising sissy boys?

Is it divorced families with pity-parenting dads?

Is it all U.S. families?

More importantly... what do I do to make sure my 4 year old son doesn't turn out this way? These guys did Boy Scouts and it didn't help at all!

My DD says to me at dinner last night: "Yeah mom, I'm not sure if I ever want to get married, but it would be nice just to have a normal boyfriend some day."

I remember thinking about all the freaks I dated in the U.S. before finding my man, and I got sad. I think a "normal boyfriend" is harder and harder to find.

HappilySelfish679's picture

I can SOOO relate to the OP's post !!! I too have an SS12 who is a good kid. He had a piano recital this weekend, which i did not attend but DH video taped it. SS12 is a tall, big kid, looking much older than 12 but very " sensitive and fragile " on the " inside ".

I cringed watching him on the video, gingerly playing the piano, you could barely hear the notes and then had to turn away when he played a wrong note, started to sob, stopped playing and fell wailing into the arms of his mother, not even finishing. She smothered him with kisses as he cried uncontrollably.

WTF. Where are rugby playing, skinned knee, pants in shreds, front tooth fell out BOYS ?????? They are all now doing piano recitals sucking on their mommies titties. The spousification of the sons. Really sad but oh well, not much i can do about it.

HappilySelfish679's picture

" They are very concerned about creams and ointments. "
YES !!! Every tiny little scrape, barely visible, needs to be shown, discussed, ointments put on, and off course they need to be consoled.
They always " dont feel well " and are " allergic " to things. SS12 eats someting and his " lips are starting to feel funny ". BM rushes them to the ER for the tiniest maladies.

Helping me pull weeds in the garden for a few minutes is torturous for them. All that " bending down " gave them " headaches " for the rest of the day. They are at 12 years old incapable of opening a can with a can opener. They have never been through a drive thru at a bank. They do not know how to load a washing machine , much less start one. SD 8, almost SD 9, still needs her hair brushed and her shoes tied. The first time they saw me ironing a shirt, they did not know what " this thing " was in my hand.

I switch from feeling bad for them to feeling disgusted. This learned helplessness is just something i have no tolerance for. I grew up with parents who went through WW2 in Europe and i was the opposite of these kids at their age. At 10, did the family laundry, hung them on the clothesline, ironed and cooked meals. My parents would go out on Saturday nights , leaving me alone in the house and i scrubbed the kitchen from top to bottom which my mother inspected in the morning. These kids cant even walk a block to get a bottle of milk because they are " afraid to be kidnapped ". My blood is boiling, I need to stop typing LOL.

Cover1W's picture

I experienced this with SD12 (then 10).
It's not only the boys, trust me.
The description of the packing and ointments and all is SD12.
SD9 could care less and I have to make sure she's got everything because she'll just take a few things for a week-long trip if left to her own devices.

Well, anyway, I encouraged them both to DO STUFF. Get dirty. Play outside. Jump off those rocks! Swing off that tree branch while DP was all, "Ohhhh, be careful, get off that, you'll hurt yourself!" Holy moses batman. And if SD12 hurts herself she/he revert to like it was when she was 3 I swear. I can't watch it.

So anyway, SD9 is pretty independent now and if she cuts herself sometimes I don't know until I really NEED to know (she comes to me if necessary).

SD12 is afraid of flies, bugs of all kinds, blood, wierd noises, etc.
So she was out playing one time, in her new school clothes (even though I told her not to and she said she'd be fine 'cause what does SM know...) and she fell hard.
She comes in screaming and crying with a bruise and a small cut on her knee. Painful, but not disastrous. I send DP for the ointment. And check her new pants (she gets mad at me for asking about her pants after I made sure she wasn't dying, because that would make HER in the wrong for wearing them in the first place, but I digress).
Go to put ointment on (non-stinging) and she lets out this blood curdling scream. I hadn't touched her. She then put up a fight and DP stepped in. After some baby-talk she calmed down and he put the ointment on.

I haven't helped her with cuts/bruises since.
And I do tell her to "suck it up" (nicely) on a regular basis.

Also, DP won't have them take care of their own trash, or help with the household trash because it's too gross for them. Sissy making of girls...

robin333's picture

Good grief. I get being worried but that's extreme. He will never be self confident if DH keeps treating him like he's not.