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my SPOUSES step children from previous gf's picture

Does anyone else have a spouse/husband/bf/fiance who has their own step children from a previous relationship with someone else. When my spouse and I got together I was aware he was in a previous relationship with a women who had her own children, they were together 8 or 9 years I believe. He helped raise the kids who were around 6 7 at the time.They knew their real father but did not see him much. The step son who is 19 lives with us for the past 2 years. I am wondering if anyone else has a similar situation, or who knows somebody who does.

KittyKatMomma's picture

I do-DH's SD14.
She was a product of BM and the drug addict.
BM left Drug Addict for DH.
SD knows DA is her biological father-but says DH is her dad.'s picture

Pretty much same situation with my boyfriend. The BM moved far away with her boyfriend to work, they both got pretty good jobs in a northern town. The SS just finishing highschool at that time did not want to go. He moved in with my boyfriend who I feel now is more of a "friend" than a father most the time. Raised him since he was 6

Stepmom09's picture

No DH dated a girl with a child before me but thankfully they are not in our lives at all.

LAMomma's picture

My husband's ex wife had a 3 year old when they met and he helped raise him for 5 years. After they split she stopped letting him come which is fine with me. I don't want to deal with someone else's child that's neither related to my husband or I.. the stepkids are hard enough sometimes.

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

This is a child of a former girlfriend and you and your are raising him? Did the girlfriend pay child support? Is he a good kid and does he cause problems? I don't know how I would handle this situation.'s picture

It is a unique situation. Most people I talk to find it strange. Yes the Step son is now 19 and has lived with us for two years. He will continue living with us for another two (my DH says he expects him to leave the nest in about two years). The biological mom does not pay child support, my DH never asked her or expected her to pay anything as he claims he makes enough money (probably more pride than anything) It never really crossed my mind as it was not my business apparently. The step son has had a job for the past year and DH has him pay a few hundred dollars as rent now. He is a decent kid yes, he doesn't get into trouble. Obviously certain things bother me but nothing I can really complain about.'s picture

BTW I handled it quite well at first, but once he moved in there was about 6months of constant arguing between DH and I. It is not like that anymore as I have grown use to the fact his SS will be living with us. DH bio son who is 13 just came into his life, and I have way more concerns about him at this point that I would rather SS19 live with us at this point.