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Should Father's day gift inlcude step-daughter?

krys26sa's picture

My husband and I Have been together since before his daughter was born 5 years ago. (She's product of a previous 'relationship' if you catch my drift..) I have always included her in everything we do as a couple and now family especially since my husband and I now have a son . for father's day i plan to give my husband a gift on behalf of his I required to include his daughter in it? Her mom usually gives a gift on her behalf. I feel like we are a family with and without her and don't see a problem if she's not included in something we do. If it happens to be her weekend with us when we have something planned, great..if not, no problem. My husband has no problem with this but My MIL has an issue every time we do something and don't include my SD even though she doesn't acknowledge my place as the Stepmother/co-parent. MIL has also taken SD on trips and given gifts just bc but only to SD and not included my son even though they are both her biological grandkids . So back to my i required to include SD in Father's day gift?

LAMomma's picture

I didn't include my SD's for my husband's father's day gift last year. We don't have any kids together yet but I took my two out shopping and they picked him out a tshirt and card. They were going to their own Dad's for that weekend so they gave him their gifts before they left for the weekend. His kids came and spent the weekend here and he ended up wearing his new tshirt one of the days.

hereiam's picture

You are not required to include your SD in your Father's Day gift and MIL can suck it, she gets no say.