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Question - Dinner time

BeatnLikeARedHeadedStepMom's picture

Been so busy at work that I haven't been on here lately. What did I miss? Ha!

Seriously, though. Now that I'm moved in, I've been experimenting with food. We bought a 6-quart slow cooker and last weekend, I made chili. It was so good, but NO ONE in my loser family would even try it. :jawdrop: I ended up bringing it to work for the vultures here so it didn't go to waste.

When you make dinner, how do you handle some or all of the family not be willing to eat and/or try it? Do you make them something else? Make them make their own damn food? Run away to Belize and forget their existence?


WalkOnBy's picture

Oh man, the food issue. You will get lots of different answers here.

Me? I make dinner. People can eat it or they can not eat it, but it's what for dinner and you don't get anything else. But then again, Imma bitch, sooooooo....

Monchichi's picture

Echo, were I not already married I would ask you to run away with me. I <3 your answer.

Last In Line's picture

If I decide to cook, I prepare something I know I will eat, and that I can take to work for lunch if I have leftovers. I refuse to prepare multiple meals.

Most of the time, I don't cook. We have such variable schedules that trying to have a meal ready at the "right" time on my days off is nearly impossible, days I do work I don't get home until 8pm or later most of the time.

Typical night when we have skids and DH and I have both worked: He gets home between 6-7:30, prepares the skids chicken nuggets (nothing else, just chicken sides, no bread, nothing). He will either go ahead and fix himself something to eat (usually a can of chili or ravioli) or he will wait until whenever I get home and ask me what I'm going to eat which really means what am I going to fix us to eat (usually ends up being grilled cheese, cold cut sandwich, time to COOK because it's after 8 and I have to be up by 5 the next morning). Not exactly worlds finest cuisine around here.

BeatnLikeARedHeadedStepMom's picture

Holy crap!!! That sounds amazingly yummy! Might just have to try that one!

Cover1W's picture

If I make dinner I make ONE dinner for everyone. I just make sure that there is something on the table for everyone. Luckily I'm a good cook so I have lots of ideas to work with and some frozen fallbacks that aren't too bad (mostly for SD11s issue).
BTW: When we have SDs DP does most all the food buying.
I only grocery shop for DP and I. Learned the hard way about the expense of shopping for SDs (breakfast/lunch/snack stuff).

* DP is on a diet/low sugar/low carb diet to control his blood sugar.
* SD11, I am 98% certain has this:
* SD9 is pretty easy, just no dairy and no fish.
* I eat anything so long as there's a fresh veggie available I'm ok.

If someone doesn't want what I make, they are free to get something themself. I don't make extra meals at meal time. Ever.

DP cooks a couple times a week, sometimes it's a little odd, but usually edible. He's stopped making more than one thing for the most part too, but he backslides now and then.

moeilijk's picture

DD is not yet 2, and I don't know how long we'll keep doing this. She woke up this morning at 5 am yelling that she was hungry, because she doesn't eat much for dinner. So we'll see.

We offer her what we're having. My husband is very grateful for whatever meal I set before him and has once had to make himself something else (very beginning of our marriage, I didn't know he didn't like raw tomatoes, avocados or spinach... which is ofc the most amazing salad ever). If she doesn't want it/eat it, we just tell her she has to wait until we're done then she can have yogurt (or crackers).

At this age, I care more about making mealtimes easy and family-oriented. We are after her about playing with her food, paying attention to what she's doing, and putting food from her plate that she doesn't want to eat onto the table (aargh, drives me nuts!). I figure, she can use a spoon, fork, and drink from a cup, some kids are still on sippy-cups and finger foods.

Stepped in what momma's picture

I don't cook for the skids, SO does so I don't deal with the food issue anymore.

HotMess's picture

I used to get upset when they didn't eat something. Now I reply with "Good. More for me," and then I give two sh-ts.

anothermom's picture

BKs eat what I make. Sometimes, I allow a PB NO jelly sandwich. I buy the majority of the groceries. STBX pisses my off royaly, by using "parts" of my meals for the remaining week to cater to his 19 year old son

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I RARELY cook when the skids come over. BioHo has fed them a steady diet of premade, over-sugared/salted, chemical-laden, frozen crap or fast food. My DH absolutely LOVES my cooking so I was happy to cook for all of us. At first. After the constant whine of "it tastes different" or "frozen lasagna is better" or "it needs more sugar", etcetera, I told DH I was done. On rare occasions, I will bake a ham or make French Dip and DH does the side dishes. For the most part, DH heats up frozen craptastic barf the skids drool over and I cook myself a steak or shrimp scampi or some other tasty meal or I go out to eat.