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Every Single Time Without Fail

sickofbs8's picture

EVERY time my DH hears from SD21, he is a total ass to me for 24 hours. I can tell immediately if this has occurred while he was at work based on his text to me...and it is obvious from his instant attitude with me once he gets home. Does anyone else experience this? It makes me completely angry.

TwoOfUs's picture


My husband gets strangely distant with me on kid weekends and then wonders why I dread them so much. Because I'm completely alone but still expected to participate!

ldvilen's picture

"Because I'm completely alone but still expected to participate!" Sums up a SM's world nicely, whenever she is around DH's family. Thank God someone invented disengaging.

twoviewpoints's picture

"It makes me completely angry."

And rightly so. I've never tolerated that crap. Your kid is being a PITA? Not my problem and you're not taking it out on me. Here, *hands Mr. Snarly-Butt his phone* tell your kid about it. Snarl and bitch all you want.

That tactic pretty much shut my DH down.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

Yup. Used to happen to me too. Pointed it out to DH many times and he got more snarly. Eventually he couldn't deny the pattern and it doesn't happen much anymore.

Merry's picture

My DH used to do this, not some much after phone calls but during and after we'd see them. I would point it out to him, was told I was imagining things. I would point out specifics that he couldn't deny. (DH, last week you ASKED me to see this movie with you, now you are ridiculing me that I want to see it.)

He gets snippy or pouty, I get my nails done or buy a new dress or go have a glass of wine with my girlfriends. He can get over his little mantrum while I'm not in his presence. Hardly happens at all any more.

It's just ridiculous that the same skill set I use in training my dogs works on my DH.

sickofbs8's picture

I think I will have to try this. It just frustrates me and then we end up having words about something entirely different. He seems to have no clue. It is after every little contact. She manipulates him into a "mantrum"...which I love the term.

sickofbs8's picture

I think I will have to try this. It just frustrates me and then we end up having words about something entirely different. He seems to have no clue. It is after every little contact. She manipulates him into a "mantrum"...which I love the term.

Rags's picture

And you tolerate this crap from your husband why? Not just once but apparently repeatedly. Give him clarity... the next time he pulls this shit he is gone, for good, with no do overs.

Then follow through.

Tolerate no toxic crap in your life. I wouldn't were I in that situation. Confront the crap each and ever time and if it comes from your SO, confront it even more aggressively.


stepinafrica's picture

Then point it out each and every time. Make sure you make yourself scarce each and every time for those 24 hours.

Elucero's picture

Oh, yes - been there, experienced that! After this last weekend when we got blown off yet again by SD22, I will likely be telling DH that for now, I don't really care to hear anything about her. I love her no matter what, but more often than not, I just don't really like her.

Back to you: this has happened to me for sure. I have told DH several times that if he has an issue, he should speak directly w/his daughter. Does he ever? NOPE! Guess who has said something to his daughter? ME! I am always the bad guy. Oh, well...!

sickofbs8's picture

I am always the "bad guy" too. And everytime we disagree he claims that I am against his girls. But when the conversation goes well he doesn't seem to notice. Uggg