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When the Ex is still trying to be part of the family?

mentalmama24's picture

Does anyone else here deal with a crazy Ex who is desperately still trying to make herself part of the family? The Ex in my situation literally still calls my family in law her family and has her 4 other kids call my MIL 'grandma.' She used to also have her other kids call my DH 'Daddy' but that obviously stopped pretty quickly when I came along. It drives me NUTS. How to you guys deal?

z3girl's picture

Wow, sorry. That sucks.

I was upset when after DH and I married, BM bought yearbook ad space and wrote a message to SD saying "Love BM, DH, and DH's dog". DH didn't agree to the ad. And the dog was NEVER BM's! DH had no place being in BM's ad with our dog as if they were the intact family. Grrr.

Not close to your situation. Sad

mentalmama24's picture

Oh gosh, I would have been PISSED. I'm sorry you had to go through that Sad BM still constantly refers to herself, DH, and the skid as a 'family.' Drives me insane.

mentalmama24's picture

Thank you for the advice ladies. You are all right and I need to adopt that attitude. It's just so hard when she is the way she is. Just today when she came and picked up the skid she tried to have him tell my MIL that she thinks she's going to have two girls. Why the fuck do we care????! UGH

Step on mom's picture

My ex husband hangs with my mother all the time. He has been invited to birthdays and holidays when sometimes I am not even invited. It was a bitter divorce and disrespectful to me and my DH when we shows up. I am just so over it. Months of therapy with my mom to resolve this. I haven't had a close relationship with my mom in 7 years now. I am civil but that's it. When she invites me to events, I ask if the ex is going to be there. If he is...I won't go.

notsobad's picture

My Mom stayed friendly with my Dads sisters after they divorced. I don't think my 1st SM ever even met them. 2nd SM met them at the wedding and a few visits after that. They are all spread out over 2 countries so it's different from what you guys are dealing with.

My parents and siblings had all gone to HS together and so I guess in my eyes it was a case of them being friends as much as SILs.

When I was young we went to Disney, with Mom, and stayed at my Aunts place. When we go back to my Moms and Dads hometown we stay with another Aunt and her family. They have been immensely helpful with my son, he's going to University in the area.
I know my Mom still talks to my Aunt once or twice a month. Like I said, they were more friends than SILs.

sma08mommyof1's picture

It's annoying, frustrating, hurtful ect...I deal with it to. I can't even get to know mine in laws bec they're sp far up her ass they could care less about me. I ignore it. Took me a long time to be able to do so but now I don't give a rats ass if I'm around them or not. I'm not in love with them. I'm here for dh and our little family. Ignore it. Life goes on Smile