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High conflict divorces/ exs

Indo's picture

There is a high conflict bio mother in the picture. It would be nice to have a forum where I could talk about those specific issues. Some stepparents I know have decent bios that generally do want what is best. But this woman is a constant source of trouble and my husband and I are constantly playing defence and trying to minimize her wedging into our home and our lives.
I've read so many books about it trying to cope.
Stop walking on eggshells
Dealing with a bipolar mother
High conflict d divorces

I would like a place specific to minimizing and boundary setting

Glassslipper's picture

^^^ I agree ^^^
I could tell high conflict stories about my BM that would not even believe could be possible! And we are now BM drama free for almost 4 months.

This whole website is all high conflict BM and the crazy shit we have to deal with, I would never be here if it wasn't for BM.
I love my husband, I love my kids, I love my skids, I love my in-laws, I love my life.
BM however, she is not right, and according to DH, she hasn't been since she got pregnant with their first 15 years ago...

Indo's picture

I guess I never thought of that. The whole site being high conflict exes. I guess I just figured more drama comes from stepkids than from the bio parent.
I love my stepkids-most days Blum 3
They are good kids but have just been babied by everyone and are really immature,...thats slowly changing.
My stress and my husband's stress is all from bio mother.
My husband said for a short time she took medicine for "moods" when they were married but she said she didn't need them and stopped. Not that it was ever a good marriage but he said it was horrible after that.
She is just constantly picking a fight.
We might have a month, maybe at the most, when she iisn't stirring the pot or looking for trouble, but she never stays quiet long.

hereiam's picture

Almost all of the stress in my step life came from BM (SD was a good kid). Even when SD acted the ass in her teenage years, BM was behind it. Even now at 23, some of the things SD says, I know comes from BM. The fact that SD is a co-dependent, is thanks to BM.

So, yeah, a high conflict BM pretty much a given here.