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ah,... this wine has taken the bitch right out of me

AmIWicked's picture

No steps tonight...
Went straight from work to a local winery. And having a wonderful glass of wine completely by myself in a corner by the fireplace and just melting into my chair.

A couple just walked by and stepped on my leather jacket, she apologized for not seeing it and I apologized for having it in her way. Brushed the dirt off of it and sat it beside me...not even phased... yep wine takes the bitch right out of me... or maybe, not having the step kids takes the birch right out of me.... Wink

AmIWicked's picture

I've got a sweet bubbling pink next to me... I can't resist the sweet wines.

My matron of honor wore a t shirt at my bachelorette party saying "domestic bliss: only one bottle of chardonnay away"
(We went on a winery tour for my bachelorette party-all it was very fitting)

AmIWicked's picture

"wine: how us classy people get wasted"

and as my husband says

"beer: how us un-snobby people get wasted"

either way CHEERS!!

sbm014's picture

Have a glass for me...I'm stuck with vanilla coke for my alcohol alternative.

I would drink but don't have enough money to blow on bottles of wine right now and with SS here I don't think DH wants me wasted.

Today was horrible and not even SS related though I did snap at him for not saying thank you when we gave him a gift but blurting it out when FIL gave him one.