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For the step-parents that had skids EOW at first, but whos SO's later on gained more custody;

JValaThorne's picture

Im wondering what to prepapre myself for.

hoping all goes well, SO is getting 50/50 custody for sd5 starting after summer break. We will split up the summer like always, 3 weeks and weeks. and start the actual week-on/week-off as school starts.
We have SD5 from the last day of school for three weeks. Then BM has her for three weeks until the first day of school, from which we will pick her up and she will stay the week, and her mom will pick her up from school the next monday and have for the the week and so on....

we were going to wait for her birthday to do this, but were going to redo her room with new furniture and everything, since she will be home alot more than just four nights a month. Were trying to figure out the best way to makes this transition as smoothly as possible for the little one.

I guess im just afraid that she wont handle the change as well as i hope she will.
I dont know why i would think that...nerves maybe. I guess im scared she will reject being with me a lot...I guess im scared that she will say she wants to go back to her moms (she never does that, i really dont know why i think she will now)

I have all these fears that she wont be happy going back and forth every week...
Im scared that we think we are doing this for her own good, but what if it doesnt work out that way....

How did your skids take the change of custudy? Did their behavior/problems/issues improve by having a more stable family life, even though its just part time?
Did they act out for the first few months? SD5 loves her mommy of course, she doesnt really know that "mommy isnt doing the right thing" i wonder if we should expect any resentment from SD5.