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Posts not posting !

whodalolly's picture

If this posts to this forum, I'm gonna scream !
I have tried 5 separate times over the past 2 days to post to the Adult StepChildren issues forum, and each time it says that it's been created, but nothing shows up !
2 emails to the 'powers that be', have gone unanswered.

Help anyone ?

whodalolly's picture

See, that's where I'm lost....I read that too in some earlier posts about this exact do I do that ?
What comment section ? In the 'create content' section there is only the 'subject line' and the 'body'
Sorry to sound so stupid Blum 3

Ninji's picture

Put what ever you want in the subject line and just say in the body that you are posting in the comments section. You must use at least 10 words. After you submit the blog, go back into it and post what you wanted to talk about in the comments sections...The section we are conversing in now.

whodalolly's picture

You're awesome, Ninja....thank you so much for sharing your wisdom Wink

Admin's picture

Sorry for the posting problems. The anti-spam security measures we use on StepTalk look for various markers that indicate possible SPAM and will not allow direct posting if it detects possible SPAM. It places the posts in a queue that we have to review and approve when that happens.

We're working (slowly) on making the anti-SPAM better and less confusing, but it will take time. If something doesn't post right away, we prefer that you notify us so that it can be approved.
