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Truth or bullying?

Adviceneed1234's picture

Is telling my SD she's being a Negative Nancy and Wendy Whiner bullying? I told her to stop being a negative nancy and a Wendy whiner. She then carried on. I then said Nancy and Wendy decided to stay. Thoughts? This stemed from her telling me to move from the no parking area I was in while my DH had to run into the store. She kept carrying on. Enough to drive anyone batty. And of course she pulls this when DH isn't in the car.

OrangeUGlad's picture

Not my preferred method of talking to kids, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it bullying.

Let me ask this: Was it effective?

Rags's picture

My stance is that if the driver is behind the wheel then the car is not parked. And what business does a kid have telling an adult what to do?

You are not bullying. She is trying to bully. Shut that shit down now and never tolerate it for a microsecond.

IMHO of course.

Adviceneed1234's picture

I tried explaining the difference between parking, standing etc etc nothing mattered. I even took it far as if a police officer were to ticket me I would have to take the consequences for my actions. It was effective as my SD got the hint and stopped talking back to DH and myself.

Adviceneed1234's picture

I tried explaining the difference between parking, standing etc etc nothing mattered. I even took it far as if a police officer were to ticket me I would have to take the consequences for my actions. It was effective as my SD got the hint and stopped talking back to DH and myself.

Orange County Ca's picture

How old is she? If young enough tell her you're standing right there until the police come and they take whiney kids to the station and break their fingers.

furkidsforme's picture

If that's the worst you have to say to your SD, you my lady are an awesome step mom. Carry on!

Half this world needs to be told to stop being Wendy Whiners and to STFU!!!!

BethAnne's picture

My SD7 whines at times. We are trying to get her out of the habit. If what she is asking is reasonable, but just whining then we have in the past repeated it back to her in both a whining voice and a normal voice and asked if she can tell the difference and then get her to ask in a normal voice. Now that she knows the difference we just ask her to repeat any whines in a normal voice. Or if she is just complaining as a mechanism to get something she wants we correct her with a more appropriate phrase or question. So "I'm hungry" becomes "Can I have something to eat please?" etc.. I think that as long as your step daughter has the tools to understand what you mean by wendy whiner and negative nancy and what would be more appropriate forms of communication then it is a good short cut to getting her to understand what you want from her. It takes time, lots of repetition and learning new ways to express their feelings to get kids out of the habit of whining and moaning.

As for the parking thing, kids do tend to have a very black and white picture of right and wrong which could be to blame here as subtleties can be tricky to understand. But it does sound more like she just wants to point out negative things about you and your actions from the way you write. Her age and ultimate motivations will dictate how you go about trying to adjust her attitude towards you.

Adviceneed1234's picture

Thanks for all the points! There is one problem with me when it comes to my SD, I am

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I just read your other post about how she was singing in the car that she wished you would die or something.

This Skid is an SD12, people. Advice, she is going to be a handful. If you're lucky, she'll get her butt kicked at school.

Tell her she is a Debbie Downer and stop explaining everything to her. She is being disrespectful.

~ Moon