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things matter more than people

bibleofdreams's picture

We are finally moving. Here is the deal- my DH bought biomom and my step daughter a house a long time ago (!!! obviously I had not met him yet) and she wrecked it and moved out without telling us. It was wrecked so badly that DH couldn't have sold it without going into debt so he moved in. I've lived in the house with him

SD15 keeps complaining that the house is "the ONLY stable thing in my life over the past 10 years" ignoring her father and I being there for her. I told her it was really insulting to be ignored like that, that so many people don't even have a dad in their lives at all, and she went and said it again like its totally sane to value a building over a parent.

things matter infinitely more to her than people do. It grosses me out. I am so glad to not see her for a long time.

Ninji's picture

Of course she says that. It's mommy's house and if it gets sold and you guys move into a new home, it will be your house.

kathc's picture

Ding! Ding! Ding!

We have a winner!

It's MOMMY's house, no matter that your DH bought it.

You're just living in her mom's house now, so it's really HERS and she has CLAIM to it.

If you sell it and move into a new house, that will be YOURS and she won't feel like it's hers anymore!

omgstop's picture

Definitely just playing with y'alls emotions. Ignore it. OSD told me the other day if her rich Bubbe buys her a car or gives her one of their, (her granparents), BMWs or Mercedes' she will NEVER stink up her car like she does mine. Why? Because Bubbe's money and the things she can BUY sd are more important than the work I put into her. I ignored it and am just counting down the days until she moves out next year.

hereiam's picture

Eh, my SD24 tells my DH, "BM is all that I have."

If you mean someone to pay your bills so she can use it against you later and control you, yep, she's it.

My DH does not give SD money or give her cash for her food stamps. He supports her emotionally, tries to give her good advice, tells her that she CAN do whatever she puts her mind to, while BM tells her she can't do anything and should apply for disability because she's incapable of working (basically tells SD that she is stupid). When SD does not do what BM says, she threatens to cut her off.

DH wants her to make something of her life, BM wants to keep her co-dependent but yeah, BM is the bomb.

It is a manipulation tactic.