
FrancoRanch's picture

Looking for help

Background :

Married 5 years in Sep to the love of my life. Been together 9 years
3 Biological Children ( daughter 21, son 18, son 16)
2 Step Children ( daughter 20, son 15)
2 step children live with us full time
16 son lives 7 days with us then 7 days with his mom)

In a nut shell our 15 year old stepson is causing major problems in marriage.

I am going to bring up today's events as they are fresh in my brain.

Today we moved our stuff from one storage to another.

Present is my wife, 20 stepdaughter, her boyfriend, , 15 stepson, and me.

Stepson basically starts talking extremely disrespectful from the first minute we were there.
Questioning every single thing we do. Cussing, staring us down, basically acting like a little punk.
He talks rude to everybody. My wife kept telling him to stop, but he does not listen to her or anybody else.
I finally yelled at him and told him to stop in which he cussed at me.
Mom told him to stop too or he wasn't going to movies this evening.
He didn't stop. He never does. I am tired if it.

My wife and I went to return the U-haul we rented. On our way back home we talked about the days events.
I asked her if it was okay with the way he acted. She says absolutely not.

We get home, take showers, etc.
she starts getting dressed to go somewhere.. I ask where she's going , drop off stepson at movies.....

I said REALLY ?? After all that ??

She drops him off.

When she gets back I ask her if she is going to discipline him.
Is she going to hold him responsible for his actions????

We end up in a yelling dispute. She slaps me.
I don't get it .

She will not discipline him or hold him responsible for anything he does.
She always says she talked to him , but nothing changes.
It seems like she is scared to discipline him.
This is nothing new. He brags that he has his mom wrapped around his finger.

Whenever I try to talk to her about him she does a couple things:
1. Blames it on another child or me.
2. Makes excuses for him.
3. Gets angry at me.
4. Won't talk, ignores me like I'm not talking.
5. Gets angry at me and threatens divorce.
6. Mimics me.
7. Says other kids do things at dont get punished.

Now with that said, I know she loves me. No doubts at all.

Just when it comes to stepson it's like she just blacks out.
She just can't control herself.

An hour later I try to talk to her and she's still ignoring me like a 4 year old throwing a tantrum.

I need help.
I can't allow stepson to cause all these problems.
It's absurd.
It's always someone else's fault when he does something.
(FYI stepsons dad is out of picture, hardly any contact before me, couple years later no contact at all
This dude even named his new son with new wife exact same name as our stepson --major loser)

This is not a one time deal.

Happens a lot and we only have these types of arguments when it comes to stepson.

Any constructive help would be appreciated.

Thanks Jerry

Onefootout's picture

"Whenever I try to talk to her about him she does a couple things:
1. Blames it on another child or me.
2. Makes excuses for him.
3. Gets angry at me.
4. Won't talk, ignores me like I'm not talking.
5. Gets angry at me and threatens divorce.
6. Mimics me.
7. Says other kids do things at dont get punished."

When I try to bring up something about our relationship or SS to SO, things just get out of control, he just gets angry and reverts to a 10 year old boy. He can be a real douche bag. Out of your list, during our fights, SO has done #1-3. He's also gaslighted me. But he's never threatened to leave (actually I'm the one that's told him I want to leave, and its not a threat, its how I really feel), and he's never slapped me. And I've gotten just as angry, and I've never slapped him or mimicked him. And our fights have been pretty bad.

I can tell you that trying to get through to a bio parent is tough, and the closer you are to the truth, the angrier they get. They don't want to hear the truth, they can't handle it, and so they just use every diversionary tactic possible to shut you down.

But I think your wife has crossed lines even my SO has yet to cross. I think you're right about her, she's scared to death of disciplining her son. And it seems like she's drawn a line in the sand. She may not have what it takes to discipline him. She may never do that.

As terrible as her son is, it's no excuse for the way she treats you. Slapping and mimicking? How can someone who loves you treat you that way. She really needs professional help. Although if you tell her this, she may fly into a rage. Regardless, her behavior is unacceptable. It's really her you will need to focus on. Your SS is who he is, and he will never change as long as your wife continues her overly permissive parenting, as well as abuse of you.

FrancoRanch's picture

Thanks all
Please keep posting.

Should I show this blog to my wife ?????

Onefootout's picture

I don't really know if you should show our wife this post. I'll wait to see what other posters say. I'd be careful. I have yet to show my SO anything that's been posted. He's done some pretty asinine things, and some posters have understandably voiced their disapproval, or even disgust, and I think my SO would take it pretty hard. And he also thinks this is just a man hating forum. Lol.

In the end, I guess I'm the one that needs to find a way to put my foot down and tell SO that I cannot live with the status quo. It has to change. Actually I have said that. And we'll see.

alieigh21's picture

Very true. My DH corrected my BS when he got disrespectful with me on one occasion. My BS's first reaction was to turn around and tell him he wasn't his dad. My DH calmly told him I'm not trying to be your dad but I am her husband and I won't stand by and allow you to disrespect my wife. My BS left angry. I don't think he even made it home before he was calling me to apologize for his behavior. He isn't perfect with his own daughter (and I'm not perfect with my kids). He may ignore some behaviors and make excuses but when push comes to shove he will stand up for me when SD crosses is openly disrespectful.

oldone's picture

The problem is not your SS - it's the stupid POS abusive bitch you are married to.

Go find a decent person.

FrancoRanch's picture

This morning. Step son rubbing shoes on coffe table.
Told him to stop
He says " why didn't you tell me that in front of my mom"

Then motions for dog to get on couch, which is not allowed.

Told wife about it

Tried to talk to her an hour later

Tried to talk to her again.
She blew up
Ignored me again .
Threatened me

I asked her if the way he acts towards everybody is okay

She got all crazy

God I don't know what to do.

Step son has this weird grip on her
I don't get it

alieigh21's picture

Tell me in front of my mom! Are you financially dependent on her? I would look him in the eye and tell him this is your home and he can either follow the rules or he can leave. Tell him as far as his mom goes, if she doesn't like it she can leave too. Stand up for yourself or be a door mat.

nothinforya's picture

Clearly, you have no authority whatsoever in your own home. No one respects you. You are being verbally and physically abused. If you were a woman, the advice would be the exact same that you are getting here from everyone. Make a plan. Save your money. Separate finances. Get out before SS starts slapping you around, too. It's only a matter of time.