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With SS's current behavior what can I expect from him when hes a teenager??

kellyjean's picture

SS is 10 yrs old and besides being a spolied brat is needy,clingy and dependent on DH for consent 24/7 attention. Anything that does not revolve around him AND be something he wants to do is met with sarcasm and pouting. SS feels it sould be disneyland 24/7 when at our house.

My question is what can I expect when SS reaches 13 or 14 and up till 18ys? I mean I can't emagine SS at 14 will be fighting me to sit next to DH at restaurants or hanging all over DH as he does now. But what will this behavior turn into when SS hits the teen years? I just can't think anything good will come of this.

Orange County Ca's picture

Who cares who sits next to Dad at the restaurant? He'll be out in 8 years and you'll have Daddy all to yourself - well sort of anyway.

There is little doubt in my mind that as soon as he hits puberity sitting with a parent will be the last thing on his mind.

As for being spoiled that's another story. Is Dad trying to make up for the divorce and allowing this to go on? Is Dad being a Disneyland Father - the kids pal instead of a father.

Tell father that although it takes a mother to raise a boy it takes a father to raise a man. Tell your husband that perhaps its time for him to start acting like a father instead of a pal.

He does that in part by preparing the boy for real life where everybody does not get their own way. In fact somebody pouting would be banished (sent to their room) in the real world.

Tell him I said so: signed: father - step-father and grandfather.


There's an exception to everything I say.