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So tired of the back talk

MrsStepMom's picture

I don’t know why my husband allows it. I do not then I’m an ass for telling him not to talk back to me. No I’m not. I shouldn’t say a word but sadly I must occasionally interact with him and it’s alwaya back talk. He frankly never shuts up. I’m exhausted with him interjecting into any and every convo. Eavesdropping all the time. I’m so tired of my husband allowing it. He truly doesn’t see it as a problem which fing baffles me. I told him he may tolerate it but I DO NOT. 

notasm3's picture

There is a huge difference in how you treat a toddler, young child, and older teen skid.  For the older teen just say what you want to say - but in a calm, non-cursing manner.

STFU (in age appropriate language) is ok.

Surely you can outwit a teen skid.  Forget about what your DH may get "mad" about.  If he's not doing his job then he gets to suffer the consequences.  I love my DH very much and really try not to do things that will hurt him.  I muzzle myself daily when it comes to SS34.  But I am willing to do things that might make my DH mad.  I will not hurt him - but I will occassionally make him mad.

MrsStepMom's picture

Oh I can put him in his place I am just exhausted with it. I try to ignore him almost entirely for my own sanity but I just am so fucking worn down with hearing his non stop comments. 

The most annoying part is when you say not to talk back he talks back to that. Sometimes i think he is mentally flipping disabled because you’d have to be to be that stupid. 

notasm3's picture

Sometimes i think he is mentally flipping disabled because you’d have to be to be that stupid. 

Then use that against him.  Ridicule him for being so stupid and mentally disabled when he acts stupid and mentally disabled.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Your husband allows SS to interrupt? When he does, stop talking. Simply do not continue the conversation. My DH used to let the skids interrupt so I refused to continue conversations. He quickly learned to tell the skids to "wait a minute, we're talking" and the skids learned some manners.

shamds's picture

ss was about 18 and when inlaws came over and were talking with us about our daughter etc ss had to come in and just say random stuff to his dad to make himself important

it was so awkward and my husbands family had awkward looks and hubby would treat what ss wanted as not important and not the centre of attention.

when its just us ss is just an awkward loner thanks to bio mum pas and i don’t believe that will ever change

MrsStepMom's picture

Oh that’s exactly what it’s like. He’s a loner most of the time but it’s just like you said. He doesn’t even say anything. It’ll be like yesterday he said “no one told me it was raining”.  We said “you have eyes you’d have noticed when you opened the door”. His dad said he was making a joke. Uh ok. How is sounding dumb as bricks a joke? He just says the most random stuff. We were discussing a car repair and I said to husband something about “well hopefully it doesn’t take long but I’d rather it take long than be expensive” and he goes into some thing about paying for rental cars. I’m thinking idiot you literally have zero idea what you’re talking about. He knows we always get a loaner from BMW anyway. Just drivel all the time. Plus. NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU!! 

shamds's picture

and he would know when we did a family bbq at home when family were rocking up, 30mins before the bbq when family would areive he decides he has to have lunch. Hubby tells him off have a shower and get dressed as you’re so scruffy looking and he answers back he wants to eat it’ll only be a few mins. Ding ding ding doorbell rings and he runs to bedroom to shower. After an hour comes out of his room all smiles when proper etiquette says show respect to your aunts and uncles and say hi. 

He comes out after an hour smiling like nothing is wrong, sits on our sofa bed and somehow makes the whole thing tip behind because he’s an idiot. He laughs it off as inlaws are all looking and hubby is mortified and embarrassed asking “what the hell is wrong with you?” Its like his mission is to embarass hubby.

Hubby is in charge of admin for his whole bank and a snr vp at headquarters. When ss was opening a bank acct for college so hubby could transfer money for him to buy food etc he actually lectured his dad when is he gonna send money, that it’ll take time to come onto his acct and he just wants to make sure its on time. Hubby tells him off in a polite but sarcastic way “i run a bank, i know how long processing and bank transfers take and its within 2 days, your thing is like a week away where money needs to be in”

that wasn’t enough for ss, he had to say in 3rd person “person just wants to let you know because person is just worried it won’t arrive on time”

hubbys response in a sarcastic tone was “i work in a bank”, ss shut up after...

oh and after my daughter was born, ss then 17 who never looked at her or show any attention or affection to her apparently on outings for dinner with hubby whilst i stayed home would ask his dad “why does she cry all the time?” And hubby would say there are alot of reasons like being hungry, thirsty, tired, hot, not feeling well. 

Ss asks “why would the baby be sick?”

honestly a 17 yr old is asking why someone would be sick? Geez the stupidity. It was the way he says she cries all the time like he was painting me as a bad mum not caring about my kid... he over exaggerated things and would levae his room opening and slamming doors waking her up and she’d cry... i lost it with hubby and hubby told him off. 

So hypocritical that ss who had no affection or care/concern for his half sister suddenly cares about her welfare by trying to criticise my parenting. I was lucky hubby actually knew daily how bubs was so if ss was painting me negatively, hubby wasn’t having any of it...


Rags's picture

Children speak when spoken to.  This stedfast rule used to define how children interfaced with adults.  

Some things would be better off left alone.  This rule is one that should have never changed.

If this rule were still pervasive classrooms would be far more conducive to learning, homes with  children would be far more calm and pleasant, and adults cursed with PITA step spawn would be in far more enjoyable marriages.

If only.....


MrsStepMom's picture

Oh how dreamy that would be. I once told husband he shouldn’t allow SS to say something and he said to me “I can’t control what he says”. I told my dad that and he said, and I quote, “the fuck I can’t!”  Ugh.