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A long weekend ahead and no SD!

Calypso1977's picture

3 days off ... and its not our weekend with SD.

This also gives me three days to mentally prepare for the big birthday celebration next week, for which i ultimately decided id make her cake. I made it clear to my fiance i was doing it for him, not her. I know, im weak.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH informed me last night that SheSloth will be going to BM's on Sunday night, and he will pick her up Monday on his way home from work. I'm so glad he planned ahead this time to make sure that the girl would not be laying around the house while I'm home working on the school holiday!

kathc's picture

I've done similar. I stopped doing ANYTHING because nothing was appreciated. Then, I started to do a little thing now and then and ALWAYS let him know, "DH, I did this because I love YOU". He eventually caught on and now I'm thanked by him every time I do anything in addition to him being sure I'm thanked by the recipient of my time/effort/money.

canigetabm's picture

Lucky-i wish! I am blessed with her presence everyday and just get dirty looks and a "hi" only because SO told her to. Yeah me.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Nooooooooooo! SheSloth has band practice tomorrow, so she had to come home today! DH can't take her. I told him she needs to find a ride, because I can't take her. Wonder how this will play out, but that means I have to deal with SheSloth being home and annoying until she leaves for practice! I'm also willing to bet she won't find a ride and complain I have to take her or she will be in trouble!

I know one thing...I'm hiding that TV remote! She can stay in her room!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, sure enough, DH finally asked her last night if she had a ride for today. She said she still didn't have one. DH is trying to get me to do it. I told him yet again that I'm REQUIRED to be online for work until 5 pm, and the way things have been lately, there have been several days I get stuck running over. I can't just up and leave. It helps that I've actually been having problems with work lately...boss' boss has been getting quite pushy, invading into our personal time...thinking because one guy has nothing better to do than work, the rest of us should be the same! Just had it out with this boss on Friday about this coming weekend, so the groundwork is already there for me to get stuck working on something this evening. Smile

Looks like he is going to have to find a way to come home early and play taxi to the princess!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Woot! DH is getting off of work at 3:45 pm to take his princess to her little practice! *** Doing my happy dance ***

Now, he gets to find $30 by the end of the week for her supposed mandatory makeup tutorial that all the guard girls are getting. I often wonder how much of this stuff is really "mandatory", or if she has learned how to throw that word around to get what she wants! Supposedly, the coach has a friend that does Mary Kay who is coming in and giving them a makeup kit and teaching them how to use it, so that one or two girls aren't running around doing everyone's makeup! Not that it is going to help SheSloth! She has already gotten a tutorial at Sephora when DH bought all that makeup last year! Did she follow any of their advice? Oh hell now! She still likes her wings on her eyes and looking like a pole dancer!