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Court is tomorrow...

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

...and the "come to Jesus" talk with DH about what needs to happen tomorrow is tonight! Be praying, folks! I'm not about to get stuck with these fines for HHB's stupidity! BM let the girl hang out and DATE the girl...still lets her spend all her free time with the girlfriend (I swear, it's like she is living at the girlfriend's). BM allowed HHB to run away from the consequences we laid down here after she got caught sneaking out, and let her move back in down there. No...we were too hard on the girl! How dare DH get on to her about her grades! How dare he take away all of HHB's electronics for sneaking out and getting picked up by the cops for breaking curfew! HHB was LUCKY she got a wrist slap for that one, and the cops let her off with a warning, because I was more than ready to send back all of her Christmas gifts to help pay for that if she were fined!

Time for BM and HHB to face the music! DH better not sign or agree to ANYTHING tomorrow...or...I really don't know what I will do!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

HHB = her high b*** nickname for SD. She is heading to court for driving her girlfriend's car (yes you read that right) without a license and hitting a parked car!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

My prayers must be working!!! BM texted DH that HHB's girlfriend will be driving them to court! Yes, girlfriend's parents bought her a new car! BM wants DH to still meet them at court, but HHB doesn't want him there (he had to put the call on speaker as we were in the car and he was driving). DH told BM he would think about it, seeing as they no longer need him for taxi, and HHB doesn't want him there! He reminded BM again that she is the custodial parent, and it's her responsibility! He also reminded HHB to be respectful to the judge...yeah right...the girl has constant disdain in her voice!

Should continue to be interesting!! I mean, look listening to BM on the phone? The woman sounds doped up! Doped sounding mom and disrespecting brat? I wish I could be a fly on the wall of the court room!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I seriously can't see HHB talking to the judge in any kind of way that is respectful! She doesn't know how!!! All she knows is disdain and sweet talk. BM said that the way she was told court will work is that they have to check in at 5:00 p.m., and then sit there and wait for HHB's name to be called. There are about 30 cases being heard in that time slot, which means that HHB and BM will be there a while (as our last name is toward the end of the alphabet). I can easily see the both of them being frustrated by the wait by the time they get around to calling HHB up, and HHB does not do well to control her "respectfulness" when she is frustrated!

And I had to laugh to myself when DH told HHB on the phone to be sure to wear something nice and respectful. She left all the "nice and respectful" clothing at our house, and took with her all of her hoochie stuff! To HHB, "dressing nice" means a strapless dress with some flimsy thing thrown over the top of it!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

If the Dumbo Trio doesn't go to court, it ALL falls on them anyway! DH's name is no where on any of the stuff thus far! When they escorted HHB home, they talked to BM and step-dad, so their names are on all the reports and such. So if Dumbo Trio doesn't go to court, an warrant is put out for HHB's arrest, and likely for BM.

And I KNOW BM wants DH there to sign all the papers. I've warned him of this many times, and told him over and over to sign nothing! Being informed yesterday that HHB's girlfriend (and I found out the girlfriend's mom is also going...guessing they are going to provide "character testimony" to try to make HHB look sweet and innocent) really pissed him off! It's the "being tossed away" by HHB thing that is hitting him! He is really starting to feel used lately. Just Sunday, he was ready to not show up to take them at all, because neither BM nor HHB would ever return his texts or calls!!! Yet, he leaves a message for HHB telling her that she is about to lose her phone, and she returns the call right away, but is still very curt with DH on the phone. I can tell you, he is SERIOUSLY considering not even going at all...he told BM last night he is done bailing HHB out of her trouble, and she needs to start learning to deal with crap herself!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Emo's mother signing? Oh, that would be PRICELESS! Of course, HHB has emo's parent's believing she is this sweet, innocent girl...obviously! It seem she spends more nights at their house instead of her own!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Seems HHB is starting off the day by "skipping" school, according to her social media! Says that she is watching Ellen..."life goals accomplished". Guess the thought of court this evening is just too much to bear! Um, they set juvenile court so late in the day for a the delinquents don't miss school! She doesn't have to be there until 5:00 p.m., and school lets out at 3:30 p.m.! Great way to start the day. Bad thing is, because of the more than a week she was out of school because BM couldn't find the paperwork to enroll her, HHB is on the verge of losing credit for the semester for missing too many days! State law says that you cannot miss more than 10% of any semester. A semester is 90 school days, and with today, that is 8 HHB has already missed. She still has to make it through May! It is looking more and more like this girl is never going to graduate! And she can say goodbye to guard if this keeps up!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Wow, this is one juicy soap opera! I would wait until court is over and then disconnect HHB's phone. Just drop it from your plan. Only keep it so she can communicate with emo and BM today. Then *POOF*! Let DH get a little pissed at the lack of communication, it will make him stronger. HHB will do what she wants anyway. Why not cut her from the cell plan and enjoy the show?

Popcorn is MUCH cheaper than a cell phone!

~ Moon

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL...I almost wish I could be there. I could seriously see these two annoying the hell out of the judge. Just listening in on the phone call yesterday was painful! BM seriously sounds like she is on serious drugs! She was all over the place, and very slow in her speech. The whole time I found myself thinking, "Oh hell...this judge is going to think this woman is incompetent, and order the case to family court, and DH will get stuck with the girl! How am I going to keep this girl out of my house?!" Wonder if I can get a doctor to diagnose me with some anxiety or something where we can say she can't move back in for medical reasons! Yeah...she can't move back it because she is too much trouble and I'm on the verge of going postal or something!

I was telling DH yesterday that HHB is probably lucky that she got off with a slap on the wrist for the curfew thing, because if they pulled her record and saw she had been picked up just about 2 weeks before the incident, the judge would not show her any mercy. DH did bring up that it is possible that they could pull her school records, which shows all the other trouble (the alcohol, pot and skipping school, the e-cig incident), and if so, she could still be screwed! Looks like the only options she will have for community service that is close enough to her to get there are sorting crap at Goodwill or maid/grounds work at the YMCA! There is a very specific list that metro has posted for what they accept for community service. Both options she can only do weekday evenings and Saturdays...oh, poor baby...that will get in the way of her color guard stuff! What's more important? Color guard, or staying out of juvi? Am I getting too much joy out of this?

Calypso1977's picture

omg, i never thought about them declaring BM unfit. Probably doubtful tho, the courts love to put moms on a pedestal!!

just keep enjoying your freedom. walk around in your underwear, shag on the kitchen counters, and plan lots of date nights.

you planning somethign special for Valentines???

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

No Valentine's plans yet. It is a Saturday...may be a good day to head out to the hill country for wine tasting. Wink

Talked to BD24 today. She has been seeing HHB's social media and asked me flat out if HHB had turned into a lesbian. BD24 isn't a person to hold things back. We talked a little about court being today, and BD24 agrees with me that the judge needs to order community service, and that hopefully HHB will have to quit color guard to make her community service hours. The girl needs to face some consequences!! She may be able to run from punishment at our house, but she won't be able to run away from the law.

As we were talking about HHB and how DH needs to quit "rescuing" her. BD24 says, "Yeah, what happens if something happens to you and dad? Who will bail her out then?" That put a thought into my head...what would happen if something happened to both me and DH at the same time? I made it a point to tell BD24 that under no circumstances is HHB to touch any of my stuff. I told BD24 that my stuff is specifically written up to exclude her! I said if anything were to happen to me and DH at the same time, BD24 and BS20 need to high tail it back home and take control of the property ASAP! I told her that I could promise entitled HHB and BM would try to take control, but HHB only has legal right to 1/6 of mine and DH's COMBINED estate, and NO RIGHTS to any property that was considered my personal property (i.e., my doll collection, my collection of autographed things, my musical instruments, my cars, my clothing, etc.). Probate law in our state says if I go, my half is split 50% to DH, and 25% to each of my bios...none goes to HHB as she is not my legal child. If something happens to DH, his half is split 50% to me, and the other 50% is split 3 ways between HHB, BD24 and BS20, because DH adopted my bios and they are his legal children. So, if we both go half is split 50/50 between BD24 and BS20, and DH's is split 3 ways between HHB, BD24, and BS20...meaning, HHB only has legal right to 1/6 of the combined estate! I told BD24, "You know, with BM egging her on, HHB will think she is entitled to more, and try to take it from you...trying to claim that because you and your brother were not natural born to dad, she should get 50% of the total estate, but that is have as much rights as she does, which is why dad adopted you!"

I know, not the kind of discussion you want to have with your kids, but now that my bios are adults, and because anything can happen, they need to know what their rights are. Like I've said...I've made sure everything is written up correctly, too. And I told BD24, "And your grandfather has already told me that when he goes, all of his horns come to me." (my dad is 72). I told BD24 that under no circumstances is HHB to get her hands on those! BD24 agreed, "Oh, no...those are grandpa's...that is who he is...those need to be passed down to our kids someday!" So, my bios have their instructions, and they are fully ready to fight! LOL

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yeah, we really need to do that...especially since DH never retrieved the key from HHB. We need to change the locks and send keys to BD24 and BD20.

I told DH that BD24 knows that HHB is dating girls now...she saw all the stuff on social media. DH sounded like he wasn't surprised that the older ones would soon be calling and asking. I wonder if my MIL has already called him and asked what was up with all that. I also told him that BD24 said that HHB should be glad that she is tied up with work and stuff now, and didn't have the money to hop a plane, because she is ready to bring her happy butt home to pull HHB aside and give her a talking to. DH said, "Maybe that is what she needs!" I reminded him, "Um, you do remember that BD24 is a 'no bullshit' person, right? She will not be nice about it! She will get in HHB's face and tell her she is being a f**king idiot!" Again, DH replied, "Maybe that is what she NEEDS!"

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Verdict is in!!!

BM and HHB barely made it to court on time. DH did end up going, but just sat there to listen in. The collision-related ticket was dismissed. The driving without a license ticket stands, but is being deferred. HHB has to pay a $100 fine, do 15 hours of community service, and attend a 4 hour class at the court house. DH said that neither he nor BM signed anything...the court is placing all the responsibility on HHB's shoulders! She was specifically told that if she didn't complete the terms of her sentence, a warrant will be put out for HHB's arrest and she could land in juvi...that nothing will fall back on DH or BM. I asked DH how HHB was going to complete her community service AND do color guard. He said he didn't know, but according to them, she is still having to quit color guard anyway because they will be moving soon and she will be changing schools again (I guess BM's friend ended up not wanting to deal with HHB either).

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH elaborated a bit more about court after he got home. He said he basically sat back and watched the show. HHB and BM were at each other the whole time. BM went into her rambling mode, and HHB seriously told her to shut up, and then mumbled for someone to find her some duct tape! DH said after all was over, BM was begging him to drive her home because she didn't want to be in the same car with HHB. He told her he couldn't do it...that I was sick at home (which was true...I'm down with bronchitis) and he needed to get home to bring me some food (which he did). DH is even more certain now that HHB is hardly ever home...even he believes that HHB is basically staying at her girlfriend's and the girlfriend drives her to school (when she goes).

It will be really interesting to see if HHB does what she is supposed to do on her sentence!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH thinks it the standard song and dance for these cases. He said they went through the six teens that actually showed (there were supposed to be some 30 cases heard, and that is all that showed) in like 30 minutes! You also have to remember that she only got a wrist slap for the curfew thing, so there is no record of it, and as far as the city prosecutor was concerned, she is a first-time offender (as she didn't know anything about HHB's previous trouble).

Unfortunately, it is sounding like BM is moving closer to us. Sad Right now, she lives in the city itself...then you have a bunch of small towns which are actually more like suburbs of the city because of how things have grown. The city is 20 miles from us, and BM informed us that she is moving to the next down over from us (there are two towns between us and the city)...only about 10 miles from us. HHB will be going to the same school that her girlfriend is currently going to...which also happens to be the same school my niece goes to. My biggest fear there is that HHB will end up being a bad influence on my niece, who is a hear behind HHB! My niece has a lot going for her...great soccer player, wants to be a physical therapist, gets great grades, etc. I would hate for her to start hanging around with HHB and start getting into trouble.

But to answer your questions, because it is still the metro area, she will still be within reach of the law handing down her sentence. That means if she doesn't complete, she will still get picked up. Since metro covers 2 counties, the counties are good at working together....and HHB will still have to go into metro whenever she wants to go to the mall, which is all the time. Wink

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I can hope! HHB's freshman year, she was in the same high school with BS20. She made it a point to find BS20 and try to talk to him around his friends. Of course, she was also trying to ride the coat tails of his popularity (nice guy, star football player, etc.), and back then, she was still into guys and was trying to get his friends to date her. She would also do stuff like run up behind him and try to smack him on the back of the head, which he put an end to really quick!

Calypso1977's picture

why did they dismiss the collision ticket? What's the outcome in terms of the damaged to the parked car? someone has to it HHB's GF's family?

i do think that was an easy sentence, but i also think as someone else said that she wont do her service and a warrant WILL be issued.

id change the locks ASAP. i would never want her but especially BM in the house.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH said they had to option to just pay both tickets (which, since DH was not ponying up the money for that, they passed), or do a deferred adjudication plan with the small fine, community service, and the class. The prosecutor dropped the ticket as part of the deal...I guess to make it more attractive.

As for the damage to the other car, HHB's GF's parents' insurance is covering that, with the GF's parents paying a deductible...supposedly. The parents bought the GF a new car, other punishment for her either for being stupid to allow an unlicensed driver to drive her car! GF's parents has asked BM to pay half of the deductibles for both cars. BM tried to ask DH to pay half of her half, and I was so proud when he said, "Well, seems to me that is something that should come out of the child support, as it does not fall under my responsibility per the court order, and she caused the damage while in your custody!" So basically, BM is responsible for finding a way to pay for her half. The two deductibles still sounds fishy to me...and DH agrees. I know you have to pay a deductible if you are repairing your own car and the damage was your fault or something covered under comprehensive (such as hail damage, a tree falling on your car, etc.), but I've never heard of having to pay a deductible for your insurance to fix the OTHER person's car! That seems counter-productive to me, as the law requiring insurance is put into place so that if you damage someone else's property with your car, the other person will get their stuff fixed or replaced without worry about whether or not you have any money. I've never had an insurance company ask me about deductibles in my liability coverage. DH thinks that the GF's parents are trying to get BM to pay their full deductible for the GF's car, since they are taking the hit on insurance, and that BM just isn't relaying the information right. Remember...the woman is not all there, and has a very difficult time verbalizing a complete thought.

Bad thing is, still no one is insisting on HHB getting a job to help pay for all this crap! Nope...she is just going on like nothing happened, and this court thing is just a small inconvenience to her! DH did mention that one of the things they found on the list close to their house involves caring for is some farm/park where they have farm animals because it is a recreation of history...kind of like a museum or something. DH was saying HHB seemed really interested in doing that because of the animals. I had to laugh inside, because I don't think that HHB has any idea what the job will entail!!! I can already see her...having to carry slop to the pigs, shoveling poop out of pens, etc. She thinks it is playing with the animals...boy will she be in for a surprise!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

We are in TX, and I don't think our law allows there to be a deductible on isn't even an option to check off when getting quotes and stuff. Our law states that you have to carry a MINIMUM of of $25,000 in property coverage, and $30,000 per each injured person coverage. Otherwise, you can make a deposit of $55,000 to the state or county where the car is registered as your "personal liability" coverage. I guess if you have that kind of money just lying around, that would be cheaper than paying for insurance, in the long run. Supposedly, the car HHB hit isn't really that nice of a car or anything...not super new, not anything like an Audi or BMW...and the damage is under the $25,000 figure for sure, so I'm not sure. But like I said, GF's parents could have asked BM to pay the full deductible for their collision coverage on the GF's car, and BM being as out of it as she is, didn't relay the message right to DH when she was asking for more money.