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Breaking point on my part

yazadoo's picture

I'm hopeing that i'm able to actually write about my story on here without people having a go at me which was what happened last year when going through what my health visitor told me was 'post natal'. I want to say this will be a long post so here goes. In 2006 I met my now not sure on or off partner he was given a job with us lazy social services lot for people with mental health problems lol he found out after 20 years with her that she was having an affair plus 3 months later we got together. Everything ok until I was supposed to drive the kids to BM house every week and take food down to cover them being there after a while i refused to do this, mum went awol for 18months as a family during this time we loved it. I then came across BMS name on facebook and suggested children get in touch and since that time i cant stand it 8 year old is hearing voices and self harming older child won't listen to reason many arguements this week biggest so being weds when I actually found myself shouldering her out of the way during another attitude i've done nothing wrong, which she went to hit me caught her arm which she twisted to get out of and my unkempt nails caught. Came home from work the same night apologised for me shouldering her out of the way but at the same time told her i was feeling angry with her attutide towards me and her dad. Completely blanked me, day after when my partner was drawing my portraite she was glaring at me for about 2 hours. yesterday on my birthday when she walked over everyone downstairs to get a bobble saw me opening my presents walked over everything to retrace steps and i said 'you could of said happy birthday' massive arguement 'your pathetic'..'i'm 13 years old and you ragged me about' told her 'no i didn't, stopped you hitting me' another big arguement...then the belter 'im moving out' told her i was in no way prepared for her to move out i would didn't want to jeperdise father and daughter relationship i would move out so now here i am other half/ex half seems to think it's what i have wanted for ages love him but he does not trust me. why does a father shout and talk to you like they were talking to a child was left with everything a complete mess yet again.......mother gets away with all sees them MOST sundays from 13.00hrs to 1500hrs. wow really griped off birthday ruined relationship ruined and i cannot be bothered to write anything else sorry