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More Meaningful Birthday and Holiday Gifts

HarleyDad's picture

Does anyone here ever think about the amount of useless stuff that kids gather over the years for the birthdays, holidays etc?? Have any of you ever wondered about more meaningful gifts to give? I’m talking about like “giving $$ for college” or “giving $$ for a vacation” or “giving money for an instrument” vs that toy that they won’t play in a couple weeks or the video games that get outdated in a month.
I have been looking for ways to give my kids and nieces and nephews more meaningful gifts. What do you guys think about this?? Does this ever cross your mind?

herewegoagain's picture

Yes...I 99% of the time buy either something educational or nothing...instead we spend whatever little we have enjoying ourselves as a family together...PS same with clothes...I no longer spend hardly anything on clothes (part of it thanks to witch and skid who live off us), but at the end of the day, we have a couple of pants/shirts/dresses to go out and everything else, is just cheap Walmart or whatever store has the cheapest stuff...sometimes buying a little better quality is better and I do that too...just not 100USD for jeans or even 60...I have 3 jeans for 3 yrs now and they were from Costco...hehe