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Gskid Visit

still learning's picture

SS and sgs's came over a few days ago and DH was so excited about their upcoming visit.  I "sadly" had other business to attend to so was not home during the blessed event. Afterwards DH and I touched base about how it went. He show me pics of how cute they were how big they'd gotten etc, after a minute of gushing he went on to complain about how the youngest doesn't like getting his hair combed or washed so the parents don't make him do it. Then the youngest also went into DH's man cave and banged things around, grabbed some of his tools and started hitting things with them. In short youngest sgkid (the one biologically related to DH) was being very unruly and SS wasn't doing anything about it.  

This was the first visit that DH wasn't all gushy about and also one of the few times I wasn't there to set out snacks, play with them, and help channel their boy energy. I do like the gskids but they are being spoiled by their parents and treated more like peers than kids. DH got to have ss and gskids all to himself in all their naughty glory tonight and he was relieved when they left.  

tog redux's picture

Well, so DH can see the effects of his own parenting on his kid's parenting ...

still learning's picture

Ha ha, yes! I also think ss was used to coming over and dumping gskids on me while he and DH visited but i wasn't there so they had to deal with the little terrors themselves.  It was refreshing to hear something realistic about gskids rather than what angelic geniuses they are all the time.  

Ozlady's picture

We had a breakthrough this week too! DH visited the Horrors at SDs house and came home to tell me about it (oh god can he not see me drifiting off staring into the middle distance?!!!!) and mentioned that he has realised how sly and nasty gskid6 is and shock horror it is time SD did something about it (wont happen). He didn't even bat an eyelid when I said, "now you know why I call him Damien".  

Maybe just maybe 2019 is going to be a good year without having to worship at the altar of SD and her Horrors!


JLRB's picture

My husband invited two of his adult kids to our house for his birthday because the skids usually make feeble attempts to do something to celebrate their dad's birthday, so instead my husband cooked dinner for THEM!  Each of them has one child, 2 and 6, and I'm thankful they don't visit often!  The parents do nothing to discipline them while they run wild through the house for the entire visit, barely stopping to eat.  At one point, the kids ran into our bedroom and SS35 joind them tossing them on our bed and letting them throw pillows.  My husband says nothing, even though I've giving him the evil eye.  It was then time to eat, so I went over and closed the bedroom door so they would get the hint.  They tried to get back in there, but the skids realized I didn't want them in there and wouldn't let the kids open the door again.

I think it's incredibly rude to think they have free reign to be in our bedroom.  I would never think of doing that in someone's house.  I'm more peeved that I had to be the bad guy.  It was one of the most aggravating dinners I've ever had.